
That was definitely a shock. Makes sense that an apex prey species would be a delicacy, but then why keep them as slaves too?

Tyler does the advantage of being the chief of security, so that at least explains how he’s able to be alone in the brig with Lrell. And he can therefore presumably access and edit any surveillance footage if needed.

Where’s “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown?”

I’m sure someone’s already pointed this out, but I’m gonna say it anyway. “Faith of the Heart” was performed by Rod Stewart in the movie Patch Adams, but the version that’s played over the opening for Enterprise was actually recorded by a singer by the name of Russell Watson. It does sound like he’s doing his very

I saw the headline and immediately skipped over this article. Then I saw that it featured Kory Stamper. It sort of feels weird to admit this, but I really liked watching the “Ask the Editor” videos she and the other MW editors used to put up on the MW site.

We have “Sneaky Snacky Squirrel.” CleverGuy Jr really liked it, and it was part of our rotation for a long time. Another good one is “Uncle Wiggly,” a fairly simply race-across-the-board game where you move your rabbit-shaped token a certain number of spaces based on cards drawn from a deck—each card has a little poem

In no particular order:

I rarely watch more than one episode of a show in a single sitting. Not because I don’t want to, but because I just don’t have that kind of time with 2 kids at home and a long commute in the morning. But CG Jr does, of course, and when I realized Netflix was automatically skipping the title sequence of The Magic

Having just seen the episode—the entire wall didn’t come down. Just the eastern-most part fell into the sea. Tormund and Berric were on the western side of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, and remained on top of the Wall. The rest of the Wall still exists, stretching across the entire continent. They’ll be able to walk along

Just saw the episode. I’m a little sad that Littlefinger is gone, but realistically, since arriving at Winterfell, his only function was to drive a wedge between the remaining Starks and I’m glad they got over that pretty quickly. I don’t want to the Starks fighting amongst themselves. The scenes in the previous

I don’t need that kind of attention.

Whatever you found on Google, it wasn’t me.

I mostly remember this movie because I share a name with the sick mouse child. But ya, those eyes are terrifying.

Having just now watched the episode, I can say that at no time was I worried that Jon wouldn’t make it. I thought the 3rd dragon might swoop down and pick him up, so Coldhands showing up was a surprise. Too bad Jon didn’t have time to even process who had saved him, and I doubt it’ll be brought up again next time.

The Decemberists’ most recent album, What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World, opens with a song called “The Singer Addresses His Audience.” It’s a song about how the very fact of having fans changes the band’s nature, and how the fans will always hate any change that occurs. “We know we belong to ya/We know

I, for one, appreciate that you guys are doing the best you can. Some of us will get used to this, some of us won’t. The thing I’m missing the most now is being able to choose how comments are sorted (best, oldest, newest). Or to load more than a handful of comments at a time, so I don’t have to keep clicking “show

Thanks! I really liked that you could type into the field on the old site, and it would start auto-filling. I could type in “gam” and find the Game of Thrones really easily. Any chance of that coming back?

Ah, I see. Thanks for the tip!

Ok next question—with the new site layout, what’s the best way to find old TV club reviews? I’m often (ok always) way behind on most shows, but I like reading the AV Club reviews anyway, even if I’m too late to join in the discussion. The old site had that handy “Find shows” drop-down in the TV Club section on the

So, are comments just always sorted by oldest first? Is that why my comments seem to keep disappearing? I don’t want to have to scroll and click through 600 comments to find what I posted.