I'm holding out hope that Daredevil shows up in the end credits scene of Homecoming, just to tell Spider-Man to stay out of Hell's Kitchen.
I'm holding out hope that Daredevil shows up in the end credits scene of Homecoming, just to tell Spider-Man to stay out of Hell's Kitchen.
Admiral Ross from DS9 wasn't a total asshole.
So, she's reverse Spock (first human in Vulcan Academy, as opposed to first Vulcan in Starfleet). I'm ok with this.
The Phantom Tollbooth is such a great book. CG Jr's birthday is coming up soon—maybe I'll make sure he gets a copy of it then.
Hmm.. I thought the whole point of shows on streaming services was that the whole season dropped at once, so you could binge it in a weekend. What's with this one episode per week with a 2-month break? Are we living in the stone age?
The book is fantastic. The original Disney movie, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, really holds up well. Recently showed it to CG Jr for the first time. It's delightful.
I have to wait 'til February? But I want it now!
It may be unoriginal, but I would have loved to see the Beatles. Specifically, I would have loved to see them on the rooftop of Apple Corps.
The birds and butterflies look pretty good, but ya, the rolling bears and lions are a little weird.
I hope one day someone makes a movie of Good Omens, so we can include the Sister Loquacious and the other Satanic Nuns of the Chattering Order on this list.
I remember the original trilogy being shown as a TV special. "Hosted" by Billy Dee Williams, and presented in wide-screen, letterbox format, but the letterboxes were gold instead of black. Must have been some kind of anniversary, but I think I would have been too young for the 10th anniversary (I turned 3 in 1987),…
Foo Fighters seem to get a lot of flack, but for me, I've never heard a bad Foo Fighters track. They range from 'good, if a little bland' to all-time classics like "Monkey Wrench" and "Everlong." And, Dave Grohl seems like he just really loves both listening to and making rock music, and I think his energy comes…
Republicans can think Trump is a bad president, too. And actually, it seem to me that most of the conservative posters are the ones assuming Rock is a liberal.
Spock used something similar in The Motion Picture.
This looks better than I imagined with all the rumors. I'm not thrilled with the look of the Klingons, but that might be because I'm too used to Michael Dorn's prosthetic forehead. Also, not sure if Burnham is supposed to be half-Vulcan, like Spock, or if she's a human who was somehow raised by Vulcans. I hope it's…
Art galleries.
That's why I'd stick with blockbusters like GotG, if I were to go on a first date with someone. Which I'm not, because Mrs CleverGuy wouldn't be too happy about it.
It gives you a shared experience, so that you will definitely have something to talk about afterwards.
Loved the book. I'm sure it would never really work as a movie. And I think excising the X-Men from it would be difficult, anyway.
Here's my prediction. At the end of the Infinity War, Uatu the Watcher intervenes and basically alters reality in such a way that none of the original movies ever happened. Then, somehow, Captain American gets sent back in time, creating an alternative universe that sets up Neil Gaimen's Marvel 1602, only somehow…