
RE: Kaepernick—I admit then when I heard about his protest, my first instinct was to roll my eyes and think, "just stand for the anthem dummy." But when I thought about it for a minute, I decided that I don't have any problem with it at all. Then, I heard that a state rep (from my town no less) wants to make it a

I remember reading that Cyrano Jones' character was originally written as Harry Mudd, but had to be changed when they couldn't get the same actor back. But that could be a myth—I don't think they were all that concerned about character continuity back then.

Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" and Shaun of the Dead

My favorite example of terrible writing in D3 comes from the first act. If you pick up Leah's journal after completing the "Fallen Star" quest, she says something like. "The Fallen Star was only a man. I was expecting something more miraculous." A dude FELL FROM THE F*CKING SKY IN A FIREBALL! How much more

I agree with you that the story of Diablo III is terrible. And I also agree that I love it anyway. I played through the campaign at least once with every character, and now I'll never do it again. I just play in Adventure mode. Forget the story, just go kill a bunch of monsters and find new loot.

Was that guy in every episode? How many times was he killed? I guess its time for a TOS rewatch so I can count Leslie sightings.

My 4-year-old loves these Ice Age movies, ever since my in-laws let him watch the first one. He's super excited to go see Collision Course. Luckily (for me), my father-in-law is just as excited to take him.

Don't get me wrong, I thought a lot of Enterprise was enjoyable. Especially the last season, where they started having more fun with the established history. DS9 sets the bar pretty high, though.

My biggest problem with that one is that its never mentioned again. They even bring aboard a few new crew members and we just never see or even hear about them after the closing credits.

Time travel can be hard on the body?

Enterprise definitely does not have anything rivaling the heights of DS9. Voyager has some solid ones, especially the 2-parters. "Year of Hell" gets a lot of praise, and I also liked "The Killing Game." I'm blanking names of some others, but they are there. While I wouldn't put them up against DS9's "Duet" or "In

I'll stand up for Voyager. I don't think it's as bad as its reputation suggests. True, it's not as good as DS9 or TNG. Some of the characters can be boring (Chakotay and Kim come to mind), but they all have their good moments. The often criticized for dropping its "2 crews, 1 ship" premise too early, but I

I think playing with the timeline was by far the best decision that they made with Abrams movies. No studio would have taken a chance on new characters, even with the Star Trek franchise name-recognition. Changing the timeline preserved the previous series for the hardcore fans, while allowing for any changes to the

Keyboard. How quaint.

The Final Frontier also follows immediately from Voyage Home, with the newly commissioned Enterprise-A picking up Kirk, McCoy, and Spock from shore leave. But everyone hates that one so they leave it out. I've always sorta liked it.

Agreed. Q got a way better line in "All Good Things…" I'm not gonna be able to remember it exactly, but it was along the lines "put an end to your trek through the stars."

I think they've always said that the Kelvin universe doesn't erase the Prime universe, because they didn't want to anger any fans by suggesting that the entirety of the franchise is wiped out.

I'll never understand people who don't like Bruce Springsteen. I'm not a superfan by any means, but I think you nailed it with "loose, wild, and utterly joyful." So many of his songs fall into this category.

Well, Worf also had Alexander. and Dr. Crusher's husband was dead. Riker also had an estranged father that he reconciled with in one episode. Picard had a brother and nephew, who we saw once and who were both killed off-screen at the beginning of Generations.

Geordi's parents weren't lost, they both served on different starships, if I remember correctly. I don't recall him ever mentioning any siblings.