
That entire opening sequence on the Enterprise-B would have been so much better if it had been Spock and McCoy with Kirk, as intended, instead of Chekov and Scotty. Not that I don't like seeing Chekov and Scotty, it just would have been great to get Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelley back together one last time. (Come to

Also a Red Lantern, instead of Green Lantern.

Not to mention also nailing the more steely and ruthless "Walternate" as well. Just like with Torv, you could tell just by looking at him which version he was playing.

Man, I loved Fringe. It was the first show I ever watched as it aired from beginning to end. In fact, I think it's the only one. I have to go back and watch it again sometime, I bet it still holds up.

I wondered about that myself. Funny as that crack at 'third movies' was in context, I thought that discussion about Star Wars seemed out-of-place for the time. Then again, I'm definitely not an expert on popular film criticism from the 1980s.

YouTube has countless hours of animated videos for all the old nursery rhyme songs and such. We also have a few songbooks that we used to teach our kid those songs. I'm sure there are still children's performers out there, but I don't know of any that have the same kind of following that Raffi did back in the day.

My kid is gonna be 4 in a couple months. I feel he's a bit too young for all of these things right now, but I'm definitely looking forward to introducing him to Star Trek and Star Wars. I'm hoping to preserve the identity of Luke's father so he can see it unspoiled. And I'm absolutely certain he'll enjoy watching

I pronounce it with a hard 'g.'

I like this guy's style.

This is my new favorite gimmick account. Please keep it going.

Possible, but Vulcan life-spans are considerably longer than humans. Tuvok is really only one generation removed from Spock (his first assignment in Starfleet was during the events of Star Trek VI, aboard Sulu's ship). I'm not convinced that cultural shifts happen that quickly, especially in a race so long-lived.

He had some good moments, but he eventually dumped Alexander off on his own adoptive human parents and then didn't really speak to him again until Alexander showed up on a Klingon warship in DS9.

Well, Spock and Sarek definitely didn't get along. Spock was not pleased when his father came to Enterprise, and Sarek barely even acknowledged him. It could be typical of Vulcan parents, but in Voyager, Tuvok is depicted as a loving father to his 4 children (I think we only ever actually see one of his kids).

They definitely didn't have a good relationship. According to Memory Alpha, Kyle Riker raised Will on his own after Will's mother died, though the loss of his wife put a strain on both. At some point he abandoned Will and they didn't speak for 15 years before Kyle showed up on the Enterprise and they sort of

Yeah, the elongating stars at the beginning definitely had me thinking "wrong franchise."

I was hoping for a Good Omens spinoff about Newt Pulsifer's promotion from Witchfinder Private.

Have the X-Men movies been to Genosha yet? I don't think so, right? Personally, I'd rather see that established than go to space, although, Dark Phoenix done right sounds good too.

Free is always good! :)

The T-Bone Junction missions from the first Borderlands. It's one of the DLC areas. I never really liked driving in that game, and it's absolutely necessary there—everything is so far apart. And the worst part is, there's only 1 save point, so if you don't finish it all in one go, you have to start from the

My own least favorite part of D3 is the Act V bounty in the Perilous Cave. First you have to find the cave in one of the largest maps in the game (thankfully they added a guide arrow in the last patch). Then you have to get through the first level of the cave in which everything you touch spawns a bunch of maggot