
While Boston Calling sounds like a great festival (and I'd like to go some time), I'd also suggest going to the Lowell Folk Festival in MA at the end of July. This year is the 30th anniversary. They usually have music covering lots of different styles, including Quebecois, Irish folk, bluegrass, kelzmer,

No joke, my office had to change the outside line button from 9 to 8 because people kept mistakenly dialing 911 and then hanging up in a panic. They have to send the police out every time.

I'm quite pleased with myself on that one!

The grey uniform with colored shoulder stripes reminds me of the uniforms from ENT.

I really liked her at first (at least when we first started getting her POV), but after awhile she got really annoying. Egwene had the opposite path—by the end she was my favorite character, hands down.

Cloverfield. Maybe not the greatest movie ever, and I know a lot people don't like the "found footage" genre. But seeing it on the big screen was exciting to me. I found myself craning my neck trying to get a glimpse of the monster (which is of course impossible, since you can only see what the camera shows). I

The article correctly lists Bowie's "Space Oddity" as being from 1969, and "Major Tom (Coming Home)" is from 1983.

I can see that, I wasn't thinking about voice actors (despite the article listing Conroy's Batman).

Surprised no one mentioned Heath Ledger's Joker from The Dark Knight (though I did not read through all 800 comments). I can't imagine anyone ever playing that character better.

If you say so. I don't really know what everyone's power level is. But I know Deadshot, Croc, and Harley wouldn't stand a chance (without a fortuitous kryptonite weapon of some sort anyway).

Hah, touche.

Who would stop Superman from kidnapping the President? Answer: None of the characters in this movie.

That story about him seeing Johnny Cash play at San Quentin is awesome. Gotta be the best musical inspiration story I've heard. RIP.

Oh, I hope they included "Play time's over" after distracting the guy with a cuddly monkey, followed by hitting over the head with a Japanese peace lily.

I totally forgot he was in that, but you're right he was very good (of course).

Sam Rockwell is awesome. I don't think I've ever seen a bad performance from him, and he's been in movies as varied as this one, Galaxy Quest, Choke, Midsummer Night's Dream, Moon, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Ok, that last one might be bordering on a bad performance.

I guess I was thinking more about the Ferengi and their treatment of women. It's difficult (for me at least) to imagine a truly alien culture with a different set of moral values, but the Ferengi's gender politics could be equated with periods of our history where only men were allowed to own land, or even to the

I'll have to look them up.

I suppose it's pragmatic, like the existence of Section 31, even if it is distasteful.

I think dropping the Maquis was the right decision for Voyager. There was some lingering resentment between the two factions for much of the first season, but Star Trek is built on optimism, and living in the close quarters of a starship thousands of light-years from home, I think it fits with the general outlook of