
You're probably right, it's been a long time since I watched TOS. The Federation did also impose a death penalty on anyone visiting the planet that Captain Pike went to in the "The Cage," so there is a bit of brutality in there.

Count me among the fans who believe this has to be a bluff, despite not being explicitly told. A "General Order" to destroy all life on a planet just does not mesh with everything we know about the Federation. It's even more out there than Voyager's Omega Directive.

True, but like I said, morality and ethics are objective in Star Trek. Martok shares most of the same ethical values as Worf despite living his whole life among Klingons, and there's no question that the entire Duras family is corrupt and evil, even among the Klingons.

I've been trying to come up with an argument against Nog and Worf turning their back on their own culture (and I think there is one to make, but I'm not sure I can articulate it well enough). But I think Star Trek tends to treat moral issues as being larger than culture. In Trek, there is an objective right and

Not to mention his chest hair (both a blessing and curse). It's weird that he has hair on the top of shoulders, but not on his back.

And yet, Michael Cera as Robin seems to make sense.

I think i know which song GWAR will be playing for Undercover this year.

Considering Nimoy's cameo was probably the best part of STID (even though it served no purpose and didn't affect the plot in any way), I'd be ok with bringing him back.

These are the last 15 songs that played on my Pandora shuffle.

My kid has never seen the Flash, outside of one Justice League coloring book, but he does have Flash socks and Flash underwear that are his favorite. He wears them as often as he can, and insists that they make him run faster.

This is the kind of video my 3-year-old likes to watch on YouTube.

Is this a Hispanic stereotype? I wasn't aware.

Those people should just stay home and wait 'til the movie is available on Netflix/Red Box/a million other ways to rent movies.

Agreed. Either don't cheap out on the babysitter or wait until the movie is available to watch at home (preferably when the kid is asleep).

Who the hell brings a 6-year old to an R-rated movie?

To be honest, I don't care much for St. Patrick's Day, but I do like Irish music. So it's a nice excuse.

In preparation for St. Patrick's Day:

My best/worst teacher ever was my junior-year anatomy teacher. The guy had a PhD from Harvard and was teaching high school anatomy. We dissected fetal pigs that year and had practicum tests where we had to identify various parts of the pig. The first of these, and hardest, was the muscle layer. He had me and

I like that Batgirl uses a baseball bat.

Wow, that cover of "You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go" is amazing.