I think it's time I re-read this book. I haven't read it since high school, but I remember loving it then. Now seems like an appropriate time to give it another go.
I think it's time I re-read this book. I haven't read it since high school, but I remember loving it then. Now seems like an appropriate time to give it another go.
More X-Files, more Star Trek—perhaps 2017 will be my own personal year of "peak TV."
Apparently no one knows. Even googling "Dark Tower Tirana" only brings up stories about how this actress is playing her in the movie.
"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed…oh yeah, and we need to have a female lead too, don't we? Let's just throw in this Tirana person. We can make her important later by putting her into a relationship with Pere Callahan. Or Oy."
I do not recall the character "Tirana" from the books. Not even a little bit.
I can't imagine that anyone would ever make a movie of my life. But a former co-worker once told me that I looked like Clint Howard. I think she somehow meant it as a compliment, which is weird.
I think it's funny how every reboot/belated sequel takes place "20 years after the original."
My favorite shot is near the end, when they show the warehouse full of locked tanks with a drowned Hugh Jackman in each one.
I wasn't aware there was a Hatchet movie. Tried to find s trailer but the best i could do was a clip Brian fighting off a bear, which I don't recall happening in the book.
I went through a streak of child-lit survival stories as a kid. Sign of the Beaver, The Cay and Timothy of the Cay, and Hatchet were all early favorites of mine. I don't find that kind of story all that interesting anymore, though I did enjoy The Martian.
Glad to hear the first book holds up well, at least. I remember loving this series (though I must have outgrown it by the time of the 5th book, 'cause that doesn't even sound remotely familiar), but the move version looked bad (I don't remember if I actually saw it), so I've sort of assumed the books weren't really…
Hulk smash! After saving the puppy of course.
Sure, I understand that there are a million Grammy categories. I never watch awards shows anyway, but only 8 statues has to make the Grammys the least awards-y awards show, right?
I agree with a lot of what Zack said (and questioned) in his review. Agent Einstein was nothing but a ball of anger and bitchiness, while Miller just looked too young to refer to anyone else as "boy" and "young man" all the time. I wasn't sure whether Einstein was lying about the placebo pill either, until the end…
They only actually give out 8 awards during the whole (I'm guessing here) 2+-hour broadcast?
Well, as someone who tends to avoid eye contact with others, more often than you'd think.
What always bothered me about the shoes was Red's line about how neither he nor the guard noticed the shiny black leather shoes in place of Andy's scruffy, brown, prison-issue boots. Red sees Andy walked back to his cell from above literally looking down at him the whole time. And he didn't notice the shoes?
A man will do almost anything to keep his mind occupied.
Some people want to fill the internet with silly emojis, and what's wrong with that, I'd like to know?
You lost me at FEPOWs.