
Absolutely, some of the Beatles' best songs are super kid-friendly. "Yellow Submarine" and "Octopus's Garden" immediately come to mind. "Eleanor Rigby" not so much, and my son has also recently started to really like "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite," which sort of always sounded dark and scary to me.

My 3-year-old loves the Beatles. He actually just sit down and listened to all of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band with me last night (he was very tired). Oddly enough, his favorite song seems to be "Eleanor Rigby," which I can't image would play well on a kids' show.

You don't have to type out the words "quote" and "unquote" when you can actually just type the quotation marks.

I'm currently watching through Enterprise for the first time. Mid-way through season 2. So far, I'd definitely rank it at the bottom of the Trek series, but it's still entertaining and I sort of get a kick out of the (comparatively) low-tech aspects. There are certainly parts of the show I don't like (aggressively

When I first heard about adult coloring books, I thought it was the dumbest thing ever. But since then, I've spent some time coloring with my 3-year-old, and it's sort of soothing when he actually lets me finish a whole picture. Normally, he colors by making one stray line on a page with whatever color crayon he

Even as a Pats fan, yeah, that was a little fishy, too.

Since I'm in a Shakespeare mood after reading the article, "All the world's a stage, and we are merely players." (Note, would also work if I was in a Rush mood.)

If the Broncos end up winning, I'll be convinced that the NFL is rigged in the same way professional wrestling is—the outcomes are predetermined, but the teams have some free rein in how they get there—and whoever's in charge wants their hero Manning to retire a winner.

Well, it certainly won't beat last year's Super Bowl, but I'm still gonna watch. Since I don't regularly watch non-Pats games, the Super Bowl is one of the few times I can really enjoy a football game objectively (or semi-objectively anyway—I really want Peyton to lose). Plus, there's always the ads to talk about at

Sad news. As a (bad) horn player myself, EW&F are high on my list of artists I wish I could be. I came pretty close, my college marching band did an EW&F show in my senior year.

Ok, this is silly, but my wife often leaves the mirrored medicine cabinet door slightly ajar in our bathroom. And every time I see it, I close it… but I can't help but imagine that when the mirror swings back into it's normal position I'll see someone else standing right behind me. I don't even watch that many scary

So he carries around a backpack full of supplies, but they're inevitably the wrong supplies for the sort of trouble he finds himself right? Otherwise, I call bullshit on this whole show, Weird Al or no Weird Al.

NFL Bad Lip Reading is probably one of the greatest things to come out of the NFL, and I'm a football fan.

It's in all 6 of those states. Except for Connecticut anyway, they tend to root for New York teams for some reason. New England is a much smaller and more specifically defined area of the country than "the West." If I tell someone I'm from New England, they have a much better idea of where I'm from than if I said

In what way is New England non-existant, vague, or non-traditional? New England is a clearly defined region of the northeastern United States made up of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. It was named by English colonists in the 17th century, and the New England Colonies

But will their service still be state-of-the-art?


"The Fellowship of the Ringing" — a portrait of the lives of people suffering from tinnitus.

I was scared when I recognized the first 2 names on that list, but luckily the 3rd is wholly unfamiliar to me. All told, I think I'm at least marginally aware of the existence of about half that list.

One of my favorite bits from The Office is when pregnant Pam semi-politely asks her office mates to tone down their various odors because they make her queasy. Then when everyone refuses, she decides to stop hiding her puking and set off a chain of every character in the show throwing up. What i like is the look she