I like swing music, so I'm all for a revival. I lack the coordination necessary for dancing (of any kind), though.
I like swing music, so I'm all for a revival. I lack the coordination necessary for dancing (of any kind), though.
No lie, a Boston radio station this morning had on a self-proclaimed psychic from Maine who recorded a song in support of Donald Trump that she claimed she channeled from John Lennon. She sure sounded like she absolutely believed this was true—that John Lennon contacted her from the afterlife to give her the lyrics…
Well, I was going to point out that bird anatomy is different to that of mammals to the extent that both the eagle peeing scene and the red bird falling on the branch don't make any sense, but I see that's already been pointed out.
I wonder how it is that Andy Serkis is just so much better at CGI characters than everyone else. As a non-actor, acting with a motion capture suit doesn't strike me as all that different from acting in a regular costume. Granted, the few times I've seen Andy Serkis in movies as a real person, he's pretty good too.…
Johnny is my absolute favorite part of that movie. Everything that he does and says is pure gold.
Agreed, Shatner's cameo is easily the best part of Airplane 2.
Well, if I was dating Elisa Gonzalez and saw her write that… let's just say she wouldn't be the next Mrs. CleverGuy. Not that there ever would be a next Mrs. CleverGuy—I'm perfectly happy with the current Mrs. CleverGuy. But in this hypothetical situation where I'm single and dating Ms. Gonzalez, I'm sure the…
You're not alone.
And some people think punctuation isn't important.
Dear Amy,
Hah, those people have clearly thought about this far too much. While the "why doesn't it go on forever" people haven't thought about it enough. I like to think I found the happy medium when it comes to thinking about explanations for laser swords in space fantasy movies.
I dunno, I saw this show once and I wasn't a fan. One of the women was purposely mispronouncing the word "amazing" to be cute or clever or something. I just found her character to be annoying.
Well, yeah, there's clearly some magic involved. I remember someone saying something like, "Shouldn't the blade extend forever if it's made of light?" And that's just dumb.
Every time I hear someone complain that lightsabers don't make sense, this is exactly what I think of. A lightsaber isn't actually a sword made of light, it's basically a super-powerful, concentrated blowtorch.
Apparently, for the Symphony Hall dates in Boston, he'll be accompanied by the Boston Pops. So that could be cool. I've never actually listened to Pet Sounds as an album; in fact I really only know a couple of songs (at least based on the song titles). That's something I'm going to have to remedy in the near future.
This was pretty good, but I think Colbert's Palin impression might have been better.
Well, that certainly took 2 and half minutes out of my day.
"The Mariner's Revenge" is such a great song. But I don't know if it really counts as hiding in an animal, and I also wouldn't say the Mariner intended to be swallowed either. "Don't know how I survived, crew all was chewed alive, I must have slipped between his teeth. But oh what providence, what divine…
The only superstition that I adhere to is the one that whenever an announcer mentions an amazing streak it'll get broken almost immediately. "Brady has hit 14/14 passes this drive." Next play is guaranteed to be an incompletion at best. "Gostowski hasn't missed a field goal all season." Next play, wide right.
I sort of expected him to a bit rusty. But he came through in the end!