Oh yeah, the Borg-lings. They stuck around far longer than I anticipated and really brought nothing to the show. Though, Icheb grew on me a bit.
Oh yeah, the Borg-lings. They stuck around far longer than I anticipated and really brought nothing to the show. Though, Icheb grew on me a bit.
Agreed on Wesley, but I didn't think Neelix was that bad. I don't remember him ever being incompetent Probably the worst thing about him was his relationship with Kes in the early seasons, but that got dropped even before Kes left the show.
I liked Kes too. And that whole thing where she came back old and evil was just awful.
Literally the first sentence of this article is "In a move that would have us furiously typing out something about a million voices crying out in terror, were that not a totally played out joke we’ve made a million times before…"
I just finished Ready Player One. I'm sort of torn on it—on the one hand it was a fun adventure story, filled with familiar pop-culture and video game references. On the other hand, it was almost too simplistic—I was surprised more often by what didn't happen than what did. Perhaps it's just that I'm jaded after…
I just started re-reading The Hobbit again after finally seeing the movies*. I've been wanting to re-read LOTR for a long time, but I leant my copy to my brother years ago and never got it back. The Silmarillion is one I remember enjoying while I was reading it, but I almost immediately forgot everything that went…
I liked Dogma. I don't think the plot was all that hard to follow, and Damon and Affleck are fun to watch together. But, yeah, Rickman was definitely the best part.
oh they're still there…
eh, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" is just a way better line, especially out of context. For some reason, too, it sounds better with the British accent.
No, "Barbie Girl" is and always will be a terrible song with no redeeming value whatsoever.
I know, that must have taken like 2 weeks!
I like this song, and the Bosstones one too. I can even tolerate "Chop Suey." But ANY song on repeat like that will drive me bananas.
"When an NFL team is named after an animal, it is important for that animal to appear very angry in the helmet logo, as this frightens the players on the other side (who do not wish animals to be angry with them)." This is exactly why I've missed B&T so much. Welcome back! And congratulations on the new small human…
I only play on PC, so I don't really pay that much attention to news about the consoles. I believe I remember seeing that the patch was applying to PS4 (and I assume that means XBONE as well), but don't recall seeing anything about PS3.
Diablo III is starting a new season tonight. I'm gonna start a monk, which is a class I haven't played since the expansion came out. I also haven't actually participated in a season since the second one—I have high hopes of at least making it to level 70 this time.
"Tranked" already sorta sounds like it means that.
Man, I thought Kane was the coolest back when I was into this stuff. I sort of remember the introduction, but re-watching it now, it's super cheesy and so obviously faked (I know it was an open secret back then, too). I forget, was there any run-up to the intro? or was the announcer's screaming "That's gotta be…
Upvoted for "Jackson"
I think the Foo Fighters sort of already did that with the acoustic version.
AH, I accidentally downvoted this, and now I can't upvote! Is there an un-do button somewhere?