To be fair, Trump's never attempted to murder an infant. That we know of, anyway.
To be fair, Trump's never attempted to murder an infant. That we know of, anyway.
I hope she doesn't. The Harry Potter books have already been banned by some Christian groups for promoting witchcraft, so it's probably better to leave that one alone. Who knows what kind of ugliness might happen if she even so much as suggested that Jesus was a wizard.
I always thought it was odd that Dursleys sent him a gift at all. I would have thought that they'd spend as little time thinking of Harry as possible whenever he was at Hogwarts. But then, every year he somehow gets something from them, and they must have spent time actively trying to make it the worst present ever.…
Objectively, yes, this is a terrible song. But I still sort of don't mind it too much. It's a meaningless, happy little, feel-good tune about Christmas. Most other modern Christmas songs are about being sad and lonely (All I Want for Christmas Is You—even though it sounds upbeat and I actually kind of like this one…
Hah, my wife brought up this same point the other day. I said, if Mary had had some silver and gold in the first place, they probably would have found her some room at that inn.
There may come a day when Colbert stops talking about Lord of the Rings. But it is not this day!
I hadn't heard this before, it's very pretty. Thanks!
Sort of like that adaptation of Animal Farm "without all the politics" that was reported on a while back.
I do agree that Nat King Cole's version of this song is the best, I think there's no question. But to suggest that Sinatra's version isn't good, or that the song itself is somehow bad is just plain wrong.
Am I the only one who thinks the "rivalry" between Star Wars and Star Trek is completely made up by people who don't like either? Who ever said they had to be mutually exclusive?
I will admit that at the time it was written, it was probably seen as flirty and romantic. But there's no way that song gets written today, because now it comes across as creepy and, yes, rape-y.
You'll never a scene like that on television nowadays.
Am I wrong in thinking that Mariah's album also included a cover of that song? I'm almost positive that I've heard it on the radio before.
No mention of Tom Hanks's hair in The Da Vinci Code?
That was very pretty. I'm not a religious person, but I really think all the best Christmas songs are the ones that are actually about Jesus. Shame you rarely hear them on the radio, I assume for fear of offending anyone. As a bonus, a lot of them make for great lullabies. I used to sing Away In A Manger, O Little…
Is there some weird photo-shopping going on the header image on that ESPN article, or just some kind of forced perspective, optical illusion? It looks like Gronk's arms could wrap around both those refs at the same time.
What's this? A Boston date in close proximity to by actual date of birth? I know what I'm asking for this year.
Anyone else expect this whole article to be in ALL CAPS?
I don't think I've ever seen an OPI call that I agreed with. There have been some that have gone my way (my team's way, I mean), and i'm grateful for those, but even then I can't help but think it's a bullshit penalty.
Man, it looks like that RB covered himself in Vasoline before that play.