
Yea, there were a lot of questionable calls, I think. Did you see the SI cover that showed one of our guys being held around the neck behind Brock? No flag on that play. At least it's not just the Pats who are getting screwed by the refs. I hear they handed the Packers a win last night too.

Yeah, that "romance" was terrible. They literally just threw it into the last episode with absolutely no build-up except for one episode in which Seven was dating a Chakotay hologram. Definitely the worst part of the finale.

Star Trek: Voyager. I had watched it here and there as a kid, but never the whole series. Overall, I think it's better than it's reputation, though it's certainly inferior to the prior series. There are a few great episodes, a lot of really good, fun stories, and a fair share of clunkers. I was disappointed in the

I bought Beatles 1. I was in high school when it came out, and we happened to play a Beatles medley in band that year. So that was my first real exposure to their music. From there I got more into them, and might have bought their older albums if I hadn't met my wife, who already owned most of them. The Beatles'

You make a pretty good point, but I think the sing-songy, back and forth of the song try so hard to mask what's actually going on that its somehow worse. I like other songs with similar subject matter, like The Decemberists' "Bachelor and the Bride," but at least that song is up-front about the story it's telling.

I've never had HBO, and I was only 6 when this show started, so I've never seen it before. But I learned about the existence of "pony play" from an episode of Bones.

Really, if the series has run its course, then that's ok. Not everything can or should generate an infinite amount of films. Can't we just be happy with what we have and maybe find some new character to base a franchise around?

That's a strong contender for 3rd worst. As is "So This Is Christmas." I love the Beatles, but Christmas songs are not their forte.

False. "Christmas Shoes" is the second worst Christmas song ever. The only one worse is "Baby It's Cold Outside," and that song is about date rape.

Am I the only one who immediate thinks of the Dominion War when I hear "the Founders"?

I didn't mean to imply that I thought Batman would win, but I do think that scene is a good example of what his strategy would be. Of course, it's unlikely that Batman in this movie is intending to lose his fight with Superman as he is in the graphic novel.

Batman's plan was to lose.

Well, as Superman says in the trailer, "if I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already." Batman knows that Superman will hold back and works that into his strategy. I recommend reading The Dark Knight Returns for a good example of Batman fighting Superman.

I dunno, parts of this look cool and others look terrible (mostly Lex Luthor—I just don't like the direction Eisenberg seems to have gone with it in the trailer). I'm still not really sure what to think of this movie.

I assume it's because Kimmel is friends with Ben Affleck.

I really liked the animated bits that presented excerpts from the Guide itself—narrated by Stephen Fry if I remember correctly.

I think it's just coincidence that most of them are British. I'm 95% certain that Jennifer Lawrence and Robery Downey Jr. are not British, so there's that at least.

Since 90% of movies are literary adaptations, wouldn't pretty much every half-way decent actor who has appeared in more than one movie qualify for this list? Not knocking any of your picks, 'cause they're all very good (possible exception of Sansa Stark, but only because I've only seen the first season of GoT). Just

I take it back, those aren't the worst thing. My son and I literally just stumbled across a youyube video entitled "Thomas the Tank Engine Says Potato for 24 Seconds." I'm actually worried that we both lost IQ points just for clicking, so I won't link it here.

Based on TWOK alone, you get an impression that Kirk and Spock have a real meaningful relationship—Spock's death is hugely impactful on Kirk. Whereas, based on STID alone, Kirk and Spock barely tolerate each other—Kirk's death shouldn't really push Spock over the edge, or even really bring him close to the edge. I