Ah, too bad. Honestly, I didn't even know he wasn't in Denver anymore until like Week 4.
Ah, too bad. Honestly, I didn't even know he wasn't in Denver anymore until like Week 4.
I hear Wes Welker might be available.
Refs have seemed especially dire this year. At least last season, we could blame on the replacement refs while the real ones were on strike, but there seem to have been way more mistakes than I remember from previous years.
Man, I hate Monday night games. By the time Monday night rolls around, I usually forget that the game is on. So I missed this one. In fact, I somehow managed to miss both Bills games this year, so I didn't get to see any sad Rex Ryan sideline reaction shots. Still glad the Pats won, even with the…
It only gets better (give or take a few Ferengi episodes).
What bothered me most about it was that the versions of Kirk and Spock in STID don't have the same history together that the older versions of the characters did in WoK. (Spoilers ahead I guess) It didn't seem apparent to me that young Spock would get so worked up over Kirk's apparent death—they barely even seemed to…
Does "too Star Trek-y" mean they're blatantly ripping off a superior Star Trek movie again? Except making it cheaper because these characters don't have the 20-year history together that the older versions had? 'Cause if that's what it means, that I wholeheartedly agree with the decision to not use that "too Star…
I've always resented the implication that a man's desire for sex is completely out of his control. I consider myself a fairly average guy, and I've never had a problem not having sex.
Unbreakable is a great movie, no question. But I dunno, I just don't think I want the same kind of story from my Marvel movies. I want the over-the-top, semi-ridiculous characters from the comics doing over-the-top, semi-ridiculous things. I want to see the Avengers fight an army of evil robots/aliens/robot-aliens.…
The difference between "alot" and "a lot" is one of the most important things you will ever learn, Claudia. It's right up there with "effect vs affect," "right vs rite write," and my personal favorite, "formally vs formerly."
A solid job offer might convince me.
If I remember right, the recaps of the original series are how I found this site to begin with. I was far too late to join the commentary then, but I read through every article while watching the series with my wife, and when we moved on to TNG, DS9, I was thrilled to see those reviews popping up as well. We just…
I've noticed a lot of people in the comments sections of various articles chiming in just to point out a typo or other error in the text of the article. As a proofreader/editor myself, I do understand that urge, though I try to be forgiving, given the amount and overall quality of the work you guys produce. But if…
I'm not John Teti, but I miss TV Club Classic—in particular the Trek reviews. I'd love to read Handlen's views on Voyager and Enterprise if that were to ever happen.
Objection! I'm at work and don't really have time to watch all the embedded videos in these articles.
You've convinced me, Monkeylint. Speeder-bike, all the way. All the way up Route 3.
Well, I know at least one person for whom My Little Pony will win that battle. And that person is… my 15-year-old niece.
I thought this article couldn't get better after "silly willy nilly old skull," but you proved me wrong with "Here Is The Skull Of Your Childhood Friend, Behold How Consuming Treats Destroyed His Insides As They Are Currently Destroying Yours."
I'll give the NFL the benefit of the doubt and say, maybe they just couldn't make or acquire a hundred-yard-long French flag in time for the game(s).
I like the idea, but none of these really scan correctly.