
The scene where they discuss the Death Star contractors is definitely the best scene in the movie. I love that random customer who jumps in. "I'm a contractor myself, and no self-respecting contractor would take a job for someone he was politically opposed to." (I don't remember the exact quote, sue me.)

I haven't been that stressed by a game all season. I'm not holding out too much hope for an undefeated season, but if it was Eli and the Giants who knocked us off, I would have been beyond pissed.

But Obi-Wan tells us how accurate they are when they find the Jawas' sandcrawler. Isn't that enough?

Caroline, Leia also participated in the battle on Endor after the quiet interlude with the Ewoks. She kicked some ass, and even got to through Han's "I know" back at him. I think those scenes with the Ewoks work to show her as a complex character, rather than undermine anything.

Agreed, there is a clear difference between pedophilia and homosexuality. An attraction to a person of the same gender is not a disorder, whereas a compulsion to abuse children clearly is. I would say a serial rapist—someone who has some kind of uncontrollable compulsion towards other adults, no matter their

You're almost certainly correct—I'm going off memory of something I had read to me months ago, so I'm not surprised to be getting some details wrong. And yes, Subway money was probably enough to get him some sort of counseling if he had sought it out, which he probably didn't.

OK, so this is in no way an excuse or defense of Jared or any other pedophile, but my wife once read me an article somewhere about how there's literally no way for someone who finds themselves attracted to children to get any kind of psychiatric help. Because as soon as they express any of those feelings, they're

They'd probably burn up in the atmosphere, nothing to worry about. Just like the piles of space junk that we've been blasting into orbit since the '60s that's gonna start falling on our heads any day now.

Well, that's disappointing. Frankly, the mystery around it was always the best part of the song.

Of the words/phrases they listed as runners up in this article "on fleek" is the only one I'd ever heard before. At the time, I was pretty sure it was something my sister just made up one day, but then I started hearing it more and more. I'm still not entirely sure what it means.

Are you implying that you find female Tauntauns sexually attractive? Not that there's anything wrong with that, if it's your thing.

I just wanted to say that I really don't like this new layout where one article just scrolls into the next. And clicking to open a comment box isn't great either.

You already had tattoos that say "John G raped and murdered my wife"?

I totally get all the criticism these movies get, and I can't really argue against any of it. But the truth is, I had an enjoyable time watching all of these movies. They're definitely not as good as the original trilogy, and and we can only hope that Episode VII lives up to the hype, but the prequels, as

I'm talking about sports in general, not just NFL. I know for a fact that the Boston Celtics are also "Gang Green" occasionally. I don't actually follow most other sports, but if there are 2, I'm sure there are more.

I nominate BenJarvis Green-Ellis. But only because when he was with the Pats, we also had a player named Jarvis Green. His name was basically a copy-paste error.

I've never understood why teams who wear green jerseys are referred to by their fans as "Gang Green." Do people not realize what gangrene is? 'Cause it's dead, rotting flesh.

I certainly hope you're right. I definitely lean more conservative than most of the other commenters here (and tend to stay out of political discussions), but Trump is clearly a crazy person and the fact that he seems to be getting the amount of support he's getting truly baffles me.

When "the Donald" is elected president.

Thank you for mentioning the score. This is one of my favorite film scores ever, partly because it was the music I played in my first year of college marching band. The music is just perfect for this movie.