Well, I never did go back and finish it, so I clearly wasn't that invested.
Well, I never did go back and finish it, so I clearly wasn't that invested.
I'm with you, Whovian. I just don't like leaving movies unfinished. There are only 2 times in recent memory where i have not finished a movie, and neither were my fault.
I'm a fan of Diablo III. I've played through the story at least once with every class (and, yes, the story itself isn't very good), but I really like Adventure Mode, where I can just kill monsters and find loot. Most other games either require too much of my time and attention to really enjoy or just fail to hold my…
I'm generally on board for any kind of Trek, but a musical doesn't really sound like the right idea. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that the closest thing I want to see to a Star Trek musical is the TOS episode "The Way to Eden."
Sure, if you just wanted to do a couple lines of exposition dialogue. but this guy's talking about full-on flashbacks to young McClane investigating the case, and setting up some kind of connection to the most recent movie (which I haven't seen).
While Die Hard in Prison sounds like it could be a fun movie, it seems like there's an awful lot of set-up you have to do to get it there. Like the real movie wouldn't start until an hour or more into it.
Yeah, I actually thought 13 spins in a week sounded low for this song.
Sketch comedy. What is it? *taps IV bag*
I'm behind the times with my console gaming, and I only have a 360. Are the 360 versions of new games worth getting? Or should I just suck it up and try to convince Mrs. CleverGuy that an XBox One or PS4 would be a really good Christmas/birthday present this year?
Besides the fact that movies based on video games generally suck, I'm not sure I want to see a Warcraft movie where there's 1 "good" orc. I understand that playing as the orcs and therefore seeing they're point of view is sort of central to the games, but I think there's a better way to do that in a movie that…
This scene is definitely the best part of the movie. And I actually enjoyed the rest movie, too.
I totally get where Nick Wanserski is coming from. Having a kid, definitely makes me way more emotional over any story where kids are involved. I don't think I've ever been afraid, per se (mostly because I tend to stay from scary movies), though the Twilight Zone episodes "It's a Good Life" and "Long Distance Call"…
Username/comment synergy?
I know there's a fair number of AV Club commenters from the Boston area (myself included of course). I'd be willing to bet a Fantastique/Science Friction screening here would get a decent turnout.
I thought he was that guy. *points to Boyega poster*
I'm sensing a theme here. Are they changing the losing-an-arm motif to a losing-an-eye motif?
I haven't seen Iron Man 3 (yet—I will someday), but that falling scene looked incredible in this video. I think that and the Cliffhanger scene were the most impressive.
Your Idris Elba suggestion sounds like a cross between Batman and Al from Die Hard.
Would you have to wait for him to pass away before you could collect?
It's Captain Picard Day!