Doesn't every team want to go 16-0? I mean, the goal every week is to win the game right? Or have I been watching football wrong all these years?
Doesn't every team want to go 16-0? I mean, the goal every week is to win the game right? Or have I been watching football wrong all these years?
Great, now I want to see this movie too. I'm not a big fan of Deadpool, but Colossus is one of my favorite X-Men, and he was underused in all of the previous X-Men movies.
My in-laws thought it'd be a great idea to show that movie to my 3-year-old son, who was already scared of Swiper the Fox. Personally, I don't remember Chitty Chitty Bang Bang well enough, but Mrs. CleverGuy decided that she needed to tell her folks to stop showing him new movies.
That's just about the only Punky Brewster episode I can remember now and it was terrifying. I also remember being scared of the Halloween episode of Growing Pains—it was all in black-and-white and the family was being replaced by aliens who drank coffee by pouring it down the front of their pants. It sounds…
The Willy Wonka boat scene is truly terrifying, and Judge Doom from Roger Rabbit made me hate that movie as a kid (I haven't seen it again). But Henry totally deserved to be walled up in that tunnel. He wasn't being Really Useful.
I have to wonder whether Vanilla Ice has ever actually read anything by Mark Twain.
That's a surprising number of names (many of which are genuinely talented) for what looks like an Adam Sandler, Netflix-original movie.
Lovecraft is rolling over in his grave.
Well, this is a terrible idea. As a parent, I'd like to address some points brought up by the article. Dora is not an orphan, she has parents, grandparents, cousins, and baby sibling. They all just totally neglect her and let her wander around in the jungle totally unsupervised. Also, that yellow thing isn't the…
I don't like scary movies, but my wife does, and The Strangers is one we went to see together. This movie terrified me. I still sometimes find myself thinking about it, if I'm up too late at night, imagining someone knocking at my door at 3am asking if Tamra is home. I think what's so scary about it is this is…
That leap by Collins was amazing. He had to time that perfectly to not get an offside penalty, plus the announcers were saying if he had touched any of the line men it would have been a penalty, too. But he pulled it off. I feel like that game had 2 once-in-a-lifetime moments (the other of course being the Colts'…
It's probably asking a lot, and I'm sure Teti's too busy, but it'd be great to a B&T column on Tuesdays with a quick recap of the previous weekend's highlights. I'd have loved to see the initial reaction to that fake punt play, and to Collins leaping over the Colts' offensive line to block the extra point when they…
I like that they included Mahatma Gandhi as well. Nice touch.
While you are technically correct, according to Wikipedia (aka, the source of all knowledge), none of the Munsters films were ever released to theaters in the US. A few were TV movies, and a couple were DVD-only (in the US anyway—not sure if they were released elsewhere). The same is true of the 3rd Addams Family…
Addams Family is definitely the right choice here. There's a reason that there 2 Addams Family movies and no Munsters movies.
I know that we're supposedly in the "golden age of TV" and all, but not every movie needs to be remade as a TV show. I mean, you've got Hannibal, Fargo, Minority Report, and now apparently this and My Best Friend's Wedding. I'm sure there are more. I haven't seen any of these shows, and I'm sure that some are better…
Not even a crappy prequel can ruin the original Die Hard for me. That movie is a stone classic.
I always liked this episode for Worf's no-nonsense trash talk ("We will destroy them.") and his version of rooting for his team ("Death to the opposition!").
Well that's a bummer. Hope everything's ok with Teti, though.
Is this why we didn't get a Block & Tackle last Friday?