I get the feeling that Sith aren't really organized the way the Jedi are. Since they're all primarily out for themselves, there's no real benefit to having a leading counsel or an organized rank system.
I get the feeling that Sith aren't really organized the way the Jedi are. Since they're all primarily out for themselves, there's no real benefit to having a leading counsel or an organized rank system.
I guess in their experience, there's no such thing as logic.
I think it doesn't literally mean there are only 2 Sith in the whole galaxy at any one time, just that if you find one Sith you know he/she has either a Master or an apprentice. And a Master only ever has one apprentice, because the apprentice will either A) kill the Master as part of his/her ascension or B) be…
Interesting that for a lot of the episodes you listed, the bulk of the story isn't set aboard the ship (or space station), that's the main setting for the various series. Just an observation.
That's an interesting take. I always thought of it more as logic (Spock) vs emotion (Bones), with Kirk splitting the difference, and often being torn between one and the other. I think it's a mistake to say that Kirk isn't concerned with ethics though—he clearly tries to do what he thinks is right in most cases…
It's on my PC, but thanks for the tip. I'm hoping that they'll eventually patch it so it works.
I think there's a Brewed Awakenings in my area too. Then again, the phrase "up in Salem NH," makes me think that we might actually live in the same area.
Hey, I know that Bunghole Liquors sign. I used to pass that place on my way home from middle school every day. Eventually, I learned that "bunghole" is a technical term for the hole in a keg where the tap is placed.
I haven't seen Into Darkness yet… My brother-in-law, who is a big Trak fan, says its fantastic, but I also see it get a lot of hate on the old internets.
Who's on first?
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
I don't think you'll find many people willing to argue that Wrath of Khan is not the best Trek movie.
Someone recommended that Magic Duels last time the AV Club posted an article on Magic. I went home and downloaded it that night, but I haven't been able to play at all—every time I try, it just gives me a blank screen. I understand it's been pretty buggy for lot of people. Sucks, 'cause I'd really like to play.
"Older players were constantly trying to swindle us."
The kid who taught my brother and me how to play magic used to stack his deck by putting 7 special land cards on top every time. He was totally up front about it too, and we didn't say anything for a while because we figured he knew better than us what was allowed.…
I think this video is using a pretty liberal sense of what it means to kill someone. I don't think Batman is directly responsible for the bad guys' cars exploding after he drives up the wall in Batman Forever, for instance.
"Longview" is a much better song about masturbating. I remember thinking that song was so cool as a kid, before I even knew what it was about, just because there were swears in it. Then I figured out the subject matter and I felt even cooler, 'cause now I was in on the joke.
"The Hazards Of Love often sounds like an incomplete soundtrack to a play that was never staged." In what way is it "incomplete"? The plot is pretty straightforward if you pay attention to the lyrics.
Also, is that Luke Skywalker playing the banjo in that Heart video?
Ah, in that case, keep fighting the good fight @Whovian! Hashtags are stupid.
Honest question, because maybe I've missed something. I've seen a lot posts like this recently where someone posts something with that hashtag and then someone else downvotes. Is there something particularly bad about that "notall____" hashtag? Or are hashtags in general just going out of style finally?
They fixed it, so my comment no longer makes sense. Just in case you're wondering when they first posted this article the heading line was just "Morgan Freeman."