Headline writer come in late today?
Headline writer come in late today?
Because if one or two buildings are destroyed as a side-effect of a battle between two superpowered beings, they can justify upping the premiums for other buildings in the area.
I hope Staler and Waldorf are in it. They're my favorite Muppets, hands down.
Also love Brian Blessed's King Richard from the first season. All I have to hear is a big booming "WHAT??" and I'm gone.
How about the "drinking problem" gag in Airplane? It's so dumb and so funny! Also everything with the air traffic controller, Johnny.
That's a great movie! My personal favorite part, thoguh, is Kevin Kline's "You're the vulgarian, you fuck!"
There's an awful lot of Paul Rudd in this list, which is not really a bad thing.
List of characters in Heroes that could somehow see the future:
Isaac—painted the future
Hiro—traveled to the future
Angela Petrelli—dreamed the future
Peter Petrelli—all of the above
Random African guy—also painted the future
Matt Parkman—also painted the future one time, somehow
Carnie girl—tatoos that told the future
So the donations and government funding for PBS isn't enough to support Sesame Street anymore? That's sort of sad.
I always thought it was pretty funny that one if the biggest "clues" to that whole thing was the fact that they introduce the singer in "Sgt. Pepper" as "Billy Shears." And then immediately cut to Ringo singing "A Little Help from My Friends." And people somehow took that to mean that who they thought was Paul was…
Apparently, I did mean Children of Hurin.
Let's ask JK Rowling.
I have read The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and the Silmarillion, and that's actually quite enough for me. Seriously, much as I enjoy Middle-Earth, I don't really have any desire to read much more about it. I never had a desire to read Christopher Tolkien's Children of Durin either. I wouldn't be opposed to going back…
"he’s too happy/busy with CBS’ Scorpion to return"
That show is still on? I never saw it, but the commercials made it look absolutely terrible. Anyway, I liked Dogget just fine, but Reyes always just annoyed me.
Is this the sequel name thread? If so, the correct answer is, of course, Beetle2uice.
I was literally half-way through typing a comment saying this almost exact thing. Part of the problem with Heroes though, is that it sometimes felt that each episode was about completely different characters who happened to have the same names and mostly the same powers as characters we'd seen before.
I don't think you can put Daredevil in that list, for the simple reason that he has superhuman abilities that Batman and Casey Jones lack. He can track a person through the city by listening to their heartbeat, and he's stronger and more agile than a normal human. I get that their all vigilantes, but so is…
"In the last five years, OSW, or Official Scrabble Words, players have finally been allowed to play tournaments on North American soil."
I just want to say that I really like this feature, along with Internet Film School. I really appreciate the close reads they give and they always point out something I didn't notice (like the guy rewinding the tape) that just adds so much to the scene/movie in question. So, keep up the good work AV Club!
I know people who went to that show—with 2nd row seats, no less. They seemed to have a good time. The poster is still hanging in my office somewhere.