I actually grew up across the bridge from Salem as well. As a kid, I went to all the museums either on school trips or with family. In fact, 3 of my aunts worked at the House of Seven Gables (one swore she saw a ghost during a tour).
I actually grew up across the bridge from Salem as well. As a kid, I went to all the museums either on school trips or with family. In fact, 3 of my aunts worked at the House of Seven Gables (one swore she saw a ghost during a tour).
Objectively , you're right, it was a pretty quick turnaround. But subjectively it feels like this debate has gone on forever. And I've just never understood why anyone ever cared enough to be against gay marriage in the first place. Two people choosing to be together doesn't really affect my life in any way.
I'm just glad that we can finally stop referring to it as "gay marriage" and just say "marriage." It's so much easier.
Assault was my favorite game. It was nearly impossible for the contestant to win, so when they did win it was the most exciting thing ever. Powerball and Joust were also awesome.
But we wouldn't need… roads.
Also missed my personal favorite Picard line: "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!" Shame too, 'cause I think it could have fit the beat almost perfectly. Would have made a great ending.
When Mrs. CleverGuy and I were trying to get pregnant, she said that if it turned out that we just couldn't have kids of our own she'd want to adopt. But I wouldn't. I like kids and all, but I just don't think I could have the same kind of connection with an adopted child as I do with my own son. So, I do…
It's been awhile since I've seen the movie, but I always thought she has him tell her when he's close so she can stop and not get any semen in her mouth at all—because she's supposed to be a prude in the movie. Then he finished into the cup as they describe.
Of course he was. I was being euphamistic.
Let's not forget that LaForge is not the only character to fall in love with a hologram. Both Riker and Harry Kim had similar episodes. And then there's Lt. Barkley who just programmed hologram versions of his actual shipmates to fawn over him.
Isn't this the exact set up that leads into Ender's Game? Alien invade Earth, countries unite in a defensive effort, humanity narrowly avoids extinction by destroying one mothership, then fear of further invasion keeps the nations of Earth united.
Well, Tatooine is remote enough that Obi-Wan was able to hide there for 20 years while the rest of the Jedi were hunted down, so it's not too much of a stretch to think that no one there really knows or cares about the name Kenobi. But that doesn't really explain that one Imperial dude's line about Vader's "sad…
If they had a hundred thousand Jedi, they wouldn't have needed the clone army. And remember, the state of affairs in the prequels is what directly led to the downfall of the Republic.
I was actually being completely facetious about that not being able to rely on acting. I'm sure she's made enough money by now that she probably never needs to work again, regardless of how good and actress she is.
There were far fewer Jedi than that, and their power in the Force had been weakening for some time (Yoda and Sam Jackson have a discussion about it in one of the prequels).
To be fair, Anakin is his first pupil, and hasn't Obi-Wan like just graduated from padawan himself when he decides to start training Anakin against the will of the Jedi council? Maybe that doesn't make him a good master, but maybe his other students did better.
I think maybe Luke's aunt and uncle sort of kept him away from Obi-Wan. After all, they seem to be aware of what happened to Anakin ("too much of his father in him"). He does take the first opportunity to give Luke his lightsaber and start pushing him to train.
This article seems to suggest that getting an Ivy League education is somehow being screwed up. I say good for Natalie Portman to get a real degree—she can't rely on acting forever you know?
Ender's Game was a good movie and a great book, regardless of what you think about the author. I liked the direct sequels too, but they wouldn't translate well into movies. They deal more directly with the ethical and philosophical issues that the first one presents, and there's a lot less action/adventure going on…
Makes him a bad husband, but from what we see he actually treats the little girl pretty well.