But then he went nuts and tried to re-write history by removing entire species from time itself just to get bring his dead wife back.
But then he went nuts and tried to re-write history by removing entire species from time itself just to get bring his dead wife back.
I thought my wife and I were the only people who enjoyed that movie. We still quote that line every once in a while.
I second the nomination of Capt. Sisko for best TV dad. The visions aren't his fault. DS9 also had Rom, who was always nothing but supportive of Nog's dreams, even when those went against Ferengi custom (ie, joining Starfleet).
Agreed on this. The Kents are supposed to be the people who gave Superman his sense of morality, and standing around not helping people you could easily help just isn't right. The real Pa Kent wouldn't have chastised young Clark for saving that school bus full of kids from drowning either.
How is B not George Bluth Sr.? He's gotta be at least worse than the dude from American Beauty, right?
It's cool that Ed Helms is so serious about music, but all I can see when I'm watching this video is Andy Bernard singing the "Sabre" song. Not his fault, 'cause he's clearly a talented musician. I guess he's just too much tied to that character in my head.
Well, Janssen is definitely the gang leader, Momoa is the "geek working in Willis' one-man operation" (and presumably constantly pointing out how it's not really a "one-man operation" if anyone besides Willis is working for it), which leaves Middleditch (aka, the one i've never heard of) to play the sister-in-law.
At least in my area, the one or two MNF games that I care to see each season are also broadcast locally on ABC, so I even have those covered.
Tell me about it. That's why I say, bring on a la carte cable.
Makes sense to me that only about a third of people would pay for ESPN. You figure there's probably some percentage that doesn't watch sports at all, another percentage that follows their home teams and not much else, and then the die-hard, all-sports-all-the-time people that ESPN was really made for anyway.
Anyone else find it odd that they censored "motherfucker" in the subtitles, but not "fuck you"? They could at least be consistent.
So all that fancy soup I've been bypassing as restaurants is actually "friendship soup"?
Then there's FFXII, where the only monsters hard enough to make it worth casting a summon also instantly kill your summon.
I do get that. And I understand that this isn't a "serious" news site. I just can't recall ever seeing quite so much on one particular topic before.
When did 1995 week become 65-million-years-ago week?
I really liked Crimson Tide. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience while watching it, Kyle. I think it's worth checking out again now that you're (hopefully) in a better mental space.
I think I had this album on cassette. The only song I remember from it is the Friends song. I don't know where I would have acquired it, since I was 11 in 1995 and certainly not buying music on my own. But I do remember liking this song and enjoying the music video on MTV.
Well, I can't really disagree with any of the criticisms this article brings up, but I still like this movie. I thought the one thing that was good about the extended cut was that it gave Rex Manning a sort of redemptive arc.
I'm calling Roanoke now.
I made the Dire Wolf blue, because I've never seen a blue Dire Wolf before.