It can be two things? I consider myself and equal-opportunity nerd.
It can be two things? I consider myself and equal-opportunity nerd.
This trailer looks pretty awesome. I've had the book recommended to me a few times, but haven't gotten around to it yet. After watching this, I'd say the book has jumped up to next on my reading list.
Me too! I have extremely vague memories of seeing Snow White with my family at a tiny theater in my home town (which also regularly hosted magic shows). At the time I probably didn't understand that Snow White was actually produced ~50 years before. Man, I haven't even thought about this in years.
Great movie. I wish every parade would end this way.
You're right i think i misinterpreted what the article said about Old Brown Shoe. To be honest it's a song i'm not too familiar with.
It's a George solo song that didn't make an official Beatles album. Doesn't count.
Now this list I can't agree with at all. You stretched the definition of "Beatles song" a bit, including things like "Old Brown Shoe" and "Jazz Piano." Also, H and K are the same songs that yesterday you said were least skippable. (Granted, there's not much choice for K.) How can the same group of writers decide…
Ignoring JP2 and especially 3 sounds like a good idea in general. I love the original, but the sequels just got progressively worse. I'm hoping that Jurassic World will at least be as fun as the trailers make it look.
Jurassic Park is a great movie, but I never got around to checking out the book. I read a couple of Crichton's other books, Timeline (which I think was also made into a movie) and Next, the one about a genetically engineered, superintelligent monkey-child. I remember sort of enjoying Next, but not liking Timeline…
There are far too many awesome Beatles songs (like all of them) for this list to be uncontroversial. But I'm surprised at the number or people in the comments who dislike "Yesterday." How can you not like that song?
My condolences. I hear there's a treatment for that now.
And antennae.
Another commenter here posted an idea for a new Trek show that takes place hundreds of years after the last movie, when the Federation has lost of it's power and is trying to reestablish contact with lost colonies. I thought that sounded pretty cool.
I believe at the end of DS9, Worf was appointed as the Federation ambassador to the Klingon Empire. So why would he be captaining a starship, even a Klingon ship, in that role? Don't get me wrong, though, I'd stil watch it. I always liked Worf.
Makes sense.
Provided a sufficient number of robots and assuming a renewable power supply for them, I would think the robots would win pretty easily. I mean, they can't be infected by zombies, which negates the zombies' biggest advantage. And the zombies aren't intelligent enough to attempt to take apart a robot or cut off its…
Side note, that short story, which if i remember right is "That Feeling You Can Only Say In French" or something like that, is a really good one, despite the awful title.
Glad I'm not the only who thought that ending was pretty good (for a King book anyway).
I was going to say that "lotsa" was the most offensive to me as a professional editor*, until I realized that "thanx" uses an 'X' and is therefore potentially worth way more points. I mean, even though "lotsa" is a lazy contraction (too lazy for an apostrophe even), it's just a bunch of 1-pointers. I don't care what…
ok, so of course this is dumb, but I confess I watched the Thomas one and got a bit of a chuckle out of it.