
That seems to be the general consensus, reading the other comments here. Though, to be honest, even you told me it was the best movie ever made, I probably wouldn't get around to going back to it. There are so many other movies that I've missed, even just since the time my son was born, that re-watching a movie that

I made a comment on this movie in the Rocketeer article a couple days ago, and I'm gonna say the same thing here. I wanted to like Sky Captain, but I just didn't. I can't quite explain why—I just didn't have any fun watching it. Maybe it's because i saw it by myself in my parents' house on their pre-HD tv. But I

I was very disappointed with Sky Captain. I thought it'd be fun like the Rocketeer was, but it just wasn't.

Off-topic, but I thought that opening sequence was fantastic. Not only the action, but the exposition—like you said, the Avengers have clearly been hunting down these Hydra bases for months, and it shows in how well they're all working together. At the end Avengers 1, they're all on the same side but each is

Maybe darker wasn't right word, and maybe the TZ episode just hasn't aged well, because when I saw it I thought of it as being a fairly comic episode.

Yes, and it was a pretty good episode, although a little on the silly side. Actually, a darker/more serious treatment of that story sounds like it might be pretty cool. I guess it would need a better writer first, that "keeping it for safekeeping" line is just bad.

Yes, it's good to teach kids responsibility. But after watching WAY too much of this show, my brain starts looking for hidden messages (which probably aren't really there). And to me, the show sometimes seems to be promoting the idea that these engines are basically slaves to Sir Topham Hatt, and worse, that's all

Wild Kratts, for all of it's silliness, is an animal show i can get behind. The animals are always presented straightforwardly and always act the way real animals would act. Unlike on Diego, where penguins have to go to Penguin School, or some crap like that.

They are both very shouty, you're right. During the recap song on Diego, in fact, they implore the children watching to shout the name of whatever animal they were "learning" about, then say it louder. And then "everybody SCREAM!!!" There's no real reason for that.

Good lord is that movie awful.

I remember one of the first screen saver programs that was really popular was the "Barney Blaster," in which Barney would show up on your computer screen and then get shot many many times.

Oddly enough, my son went through a phase where he was terrified of Swiper. He would literally cry and ask us to turn off the tv if Swiper appeared on the screen. I don't know why, because even when they don't stop Swiper (by shouting "Swiper, no swiping!" 3 times of course), all he does is take something, and throw

Thomas does have a pretty dark subtext going on. See, for example, the episode where Sir Topham Hatt goes to buy a new tank engine (Percy) for the Yard. "If I buy you, will you be a good little engine and always work real hard?" "Oh yes, sir! Please take me to your island and let me prove how Really Useful I am!"

I have to disagree about Dora/Diego. As annoying as Dora can be, there are some benefits to the show. The show was designed to be interactive, so kids aren't just passively staring at the screen, but instead they're thinking and solving problems. Asking questions and giving the kid time to answer is good, and

I don't even know what more I can say that this article didn't already say. This punishment is outrageous, considering past punishments given out (or not) for similar offenses. Even without the suspension, a $1 million dollar fine is ludicrous—remember, the Saints were only fined half of that for literally paying

If the Punch Brothers aren't covering Final Countdown for the first week, I'll…. I dunno, I'll just roll with it I guess. But seriously, if i was a Punch Brother, and i'm not, and i saw Final Countdown on that list, that'd be my first pick. That synth line would be perfect for a banjo/fiddle duel.

I'm surprised at the amount of hate this show is getting here, considering the '90s nostalgia that seems rampant lately. I mean, i know Full House isn't one of the greatest shows of all time, or even close really. But i don't know that it deserves quite this much vitriol. I remember it as being pretty much

Klaw was Andy Serkis? So all that bulk must have been motion-captured CGI then right?

Am I biased as a Patriots fan? Absolutely. But no, I don't think the slight variation in the air pressure in a ball made a concrete difference to the outcome of a game—at least no more difference the weather in an outdoor stadium or any of a million other minute details. The Pats lost close games just as often as

Glad that his episode of Star Trek was mentioned. That was a really good one, especially because it really centered around O'Brien, who was not one of the main cast. I also liked how he didn't quite overcome is anti-Cardassian racism, even though he knows it's wrong. And of course Warden Norton was great in it too.