
I can relate to NPH in this clip. My kid is obsessed with Thomas. I now know far more about that Tank Engine and all of his friends than I even I thought was possible.

This was one my favorite books when i was a kid. I haven't read it in years though, and I totally don't remember Brian attempting suicide or that his mom was cheating on his dad. I always thought the part with the moose that attacks him for no discernable reason was coolest/scariest bit.

I don't know who that guy is, but this show sounds absolutely terrible. I wonder if it's even legal for them to claim it's based on Shelley's Frankenstein? I mean, you should need more of a connection that a similarly named character, right?

Hah, I actually live in Mass, about 40 min north of Boston. Due to item B, I'm one of the reasons everything seemed so empty…i stayed inside my house as much as possible.

When I hear about a famous person's death, i usually just think "that's too bad" and move on with my day. But i'm really actually sad about this one.

Peace and long life

Absolute best parts of 28 Days Later, I Am Legend, and the Stand (among others) are at the very beginning, where there's only one person wandering around totally deserted major metropolitan (or even suburban) area. There are times when I'd kill to have that life. Then I remember that A) I really do love my family

Oh not at all. But it made them happy (my father-in-law loves spending money, on himself and others equally), and maybe one day i'll move to a bigger house and be able to actually use the table.

I've never seen the show myself, but my in-laws watch it and were inspired to bid on storage lockers themselves. They actually ended up getting a really nice dining room table and giving to me and my wife. It's just a little too big for our dining room though, so now it's just in my basement.

Is that what he says? I must have seen this clip 100 times in the last 6 months or so, and I could never that out. I don't really want to write what I thought it sounded like…suffice to say, it's a part of the female anatomy…

I have fond memories of this movie, so when I started showing my 2-year-old son Disney clips on YouTube, this one came to mind pretty quickly. He thought the dog wearing sunglasses was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. He also enjoys the songs from the Jungle Book ('cause who wouldn't?), "Circle of Life," and of

Why are we expecting a cartoon to follow the laws of astrophysics?

I was just about to make a similar comment. There has to be a better way to go about getting more female leads than just giving all the old male characters sex changes. We have female Thor, female Ghostbusters, female McGyver.

Hot Tub Time Machine was enjoyably stupid. Absolute best part was when Craig Robinson turned directly to the camera as he said "like some kind of hot tub time machine."

They won't though. Every superhero that wears a mask has to have a given amount of time without the mask so that the lead actor gets enough face time in the movie. That's why Spider-Man's mask always rips in the climactic battle sequence; or we get Batman movies where Bruce Wayne doesn't wear his costume for 75% of

I assume we're all in agreement that the opening Nightcrawler-attacks-the-President scene in X2 was the best thing about that movie, right?

I understand that the Langdon books aren't going to end up on a "greatest novels of all time" list, or even anywhere close to it, but I really enjoyed them all. I think they're decent mystery/adventure stories, sprinkled with little facts and anecdotes about famous works of art that I find really interesting. They

They should just steal the Best Fight and Best Action Sequence categories from the MTV Movie Awards (assuming MTV is still doing those?). Get some excitement into the ceremony amid all the art films and biopics.

Wasn't FFX the one with the underwater soccer game that you had to play? Since everyone in that game could apparently breath underwater with no trouble, I assume all clothing is just made water-resistant as a standard.

How long before we have a CBS crime procedural about "forensic linguists"? 'Cause i might check that show out—i've always been a little intrigued by this kind of thing.