
So, what's the difference between "Record of the Year" and "Song of the Year"? And what actually is being judged in the "Best Performance" categories?

If we're gonna talk about the Offspring, how about them ripping off the Beatles' "Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da" for "Why Don't You Get a Job"? Too obvious?

So, i commented before reading the article, and I have two actual thoughts on the article in that link. 1) They really don't want to get into specifics on what that celebration penalty was all about. 2) You get fined $10,000 for starting a brawl, but $11,000 for pretending to poop. At least we have their priorities

Is that $11,000 for pretending to poop, and an extra $25 for not pretending to wash his hands afterward?

I really didn't get that either. 24 was the Seahawks score at that point, so it seemed to me like that's what Sherman was talking about, and then pointing at the scoreboard as if to say "look we have 24 points." It really seemed like the announcer, Collinsworth i think, was totally making that up that he was

Nirvana lifted the riff for "Teen Spirit" from Boston's "More Than a Feeling." I think Cobain even acknowledged it.

I'd watch the Who again any day over Katy Perry, even if it was just a glorified mashup of CSI theme songs.

Seahawks also started a fight and had a player ejected from the game after that. So, that's maybe an understatement.

Well, i guess that makes the odds 0… unless he has a flux capacitor in the truck he gave to Butler. I'm sure Butler would let him borrow it.

I greatly enjoyed this column and can't wait 'til it returns next season. Also, i think that was probably the greatest Superbowl game I've ever seen. What are the odds that Brady will become the first quarterback to win 2 consecutive Superbowls twice in his career? I'm calling it now, though i reserve the right to

Last year, a bunch of my coworkers and I spent about 6 months on conversations like this. We actually printed up a 64-slot bracket, filled it with fictional characters, and then discussed ad nauseum who would be the better choice. There weren't too many surprises in the end, but it was a fun way to pass the

I have never been more happy that i don't work at McDonald's anymore.

I admit to being a Blink-182 fan in high school. However, I saw Angels & Airwaves play live once, opening for Taking Back Sunday i think, and they were just awful. DeLonge introduced himself as being "from Blink-182" and barely acknowledge the other musicians around him on the stage. Frankly, i'm surprised to hear

i'm certainly not suggesting that the Seahawks should cut him from the team over this, but i think the NFL is within their rights if they wanted to give him a fine anyway. And actually, reading the quote that @BedroomPastrami posted above gives me a little more respect for Lynch's position.

You make a good point about Lynch, but at the same time, Media Day is part of his job. I mean, i don't like going to meetings at my office, but if i showed up and said nothing but "i'm just here so i don't get fired" the whole time, i'd probably be fired.

hmm… i don't think i want to know what the scent of Blink-182 is. maybe the subtle aroma of a semen-encrusted tube sock covered by way too much Axe body spray?

I believe Brady checked them before the game, like he said, found them to be ok, and then didn't think about them again during the game. And from what Belicheck said during his conference about the practice balls (he makes them as bad as he can and if anyone complains he makes them worse), i totally believe that

I don't think this is even worth arguing about. The entire thing is only an issue because it's the Pats—currently, Cleveland is being investigated for coaches texting during their games, but no one cares because Cleveland sucks.

A fair point, but Trek is known for optimism. I'm not watching Trek to see the Maquis and Federation people kill each other, i'm watching to see them overcome their differences. And i don't think it'd take 7 seasons to do that.

I would most definitely watch that show.