
I'm working my way through Voyager (slowly, as i have a 2-year-old now and not much time to watch tv anymore), and i'm actually enjoying it. I think it's better than it's reputation, though, you're right that they really dispensed with the 2 factions thing very quickly.

hah, or the antisocial genius starship captain who everyone hates, but he gets results?

I'd definitely be down with a new Star Trek series, as I think I've mentioned here before. Finding a new perspective for the show might be difficult though. We already have the man-of-action captain, the philosophical captain, the scientist captain, the explorer captain, and even the reluctant religious figure/war

I saw at least one report today that said the Patriots actually switched out the underinflated balls for new ones, approved by the officials, in the second half. So let's recap. The first half, when the Pats "cheated," ended with them ahead by 10 points, with Brady having thrown an INT. Then, after halftime when

See, i didn't particularly like the afterlife sequence in 3, with the crabs in the desert and the multiple versions of Jack. The Pirate counsel was cool, but undercut a bit by the joke where the guy who doesn't speak turns out to have a ridiculously high-pitched voice. And then they went through the trouble of

3 was definitely the weakest of the trilogy, but even that one had at least some enjoyable moments. It's certainly nowhere near as good as the first one, but it's not so bad as say Star Wars Episode II. Hah, how's that for faint praise?

You know, i actually sort of liked the 4th Pirates movie. In fact, i think i prefer that one to the 3rd. It was a fun story, and i'm glad they didn't try to shoehorn Bloom and Knightley into it.

AS a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek, i'm here to tell you, they're really too different to say which is better. Trek (at least pre-reboot Trek) lends itself to discussions of the nature of humanity, and the ethics of technology, and all sorts of other stuff, while occasionally throwing in some space battles.

The one with Wonder Woman in the waterfall is gorgeous.

Although, the chapter about the "African rabies" vaccine in the book was fantastic

Your comment confused me at first, because i thought you meant that the band sold out, rather than the show. I've never heard anyone say a band has sold out then wish they played bigger venues in the same sentence.

Looking forward to getting this album. Decemberists have been one of my favorite bands since i first heard the Crane Wife playing while i was working at Barnes & Noble. Of the tracks i've heard off the new album, "Lake Song" is my favorite, though "Make You Better" and "The Wrong Year" are close behind.

I am! I saw them once before, when they were touring for The King Is Dead. Great show, definitely one of the most musically talented groups i've seen.

I've never seen and In-n-Out burger, but Five Guys recently made it up to New England, and it's glorious! Definitely my top pick for a fast food burger.

I worked at a McDonald's all through high school and i remember when the McGriddle came out. The first one i had was fantastic, but the second one made me sick to my stomach and i could never look at another again.

Also a good one, but i think Diversity Day is a better example of show's humor and you don't need to know the whole Jim/Pam back story to appreciate it. Then again, i don't think this list is necessarily meant to take the episodes out of their context, so i won't be too disappointed if they choose Casino Night.

I love "Slap Bet" but if i was gonna pick a best episode of HIMYM, i'd have gone with "How I Met Everyone Else," just for all the flashbacks and the unreliable narrator which i think is a big part of that show. I love how Future Ted can't remember the girl's name so the entire time everyone just calls her "Blah Blah."

Earth, Wind and Fire, "In the Stone" or "Fantasy"

I'm looking forward to the Decemberists' new album, too. They're one of my favorite bands—in fact i've already got my tickets to their show. Saw them once before, though without Jenny Conlee (i believe she was being treated for breast cancer at the time). I think they're one of the most musically talented groups

I always assumed "Valencia" was the girl's name, despite the official video naming her "Francesca" in the subtitles. I believe that "Valencia" is the name of the motel they stay at in said video. But i like my interpretation better.