
upvoted solely for "grew the beard"

I really like Dave Grohl. He seems to just enjoy music so much that he'll play with anyone and everyone and have a great time doing it. Sure, some of it might not be my kind of music, but if Dave Grohl wants to get all his rock star friends together for a jam session and then release an album based on that, 'cause

I started reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series this year, after having heard about it in various places for quite a while. I've blown through 9 books already, and i'm really enjoying them. At first I was expecting to either be evil or die (thanks Game of Thrones), and i was kind of shocked when (spoiler?)

Are Brenda and Eddie the same couple that meet at the Italian restaurant? I always thought they were another couple that Billy Joel and the woman he meets at the restaurant knew in high school.

I've always felt this song was depressing, but not in the way it was apparently meant to be. I actually associate it with Family Matters—one of the Christmas episodes had a scene with Urkel alone in his basement with a tiny Christmas singing this song to himself, and it just struck me that the song is about being

Thanks for the link. Great article—hopefully some day they put out the full version on DVD, or at least streaming on Amazon or Netflix.

Have you guys done an article on the Muppet Family Christmas special yet? That was always one of my favorites, and it's tough to find. A few years ago i stumbled across it in broken up into 3 or 4 different YouTube videos and made my wife watch the whole thing with me (she'd never seen it). I think it holds up

Well, Graceland is a hit because it's a fantastic album—there's not one song on it that's even 'just ok,' they're all great. I don't often listen to a full album at once (i like a wide range of music and i like the variety that shuffle mode offers), but if i hear one track from Graceland, i pretty much always want to

The mom in that first scene is Kitty Sanchez from Arrested Development. I can only hope her next line to the kid is "And say goodbye to THESE, 'cause it's the last time you're gonna see them!"

Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace. Reading on my Nook, it's not always obvious i'm getting near the end of a book (the page numbers on the bottom of the screen don't always register), so when the book just ended suddenly, in the middle of a flashback, with no resolution to any of the various plot lines, i was

Not only are you right, Whovian, but that's apparently exactly what the guy (who's name i've already forgotten after my Google search to compare his dance to Dahlsim's returned the interview where he confirmed it) was going for. Which makes me like him more as a person; i hope he comes to play for New England one day.

I don't have Twitter, so forgive me if someone's already nominated this one, but there was a fantastic Touchdown Dance during the Pats-Colts game last sunday. Collinsworth even commented on it during the replay.

Heroes had a lot of problems (after the first season which was great), but one of the biggest was that far too many characters could see the future in some way. So they just kept going back to the "flash forward" well. I watched it until part-way through the (i think) 4th season, when they brought in the carnies,

I wasn't counting the low-budget one made by Tobias's meth-addict girlfriend in Season 4 of Arrested Development.

And i thought it wasn't going to be possible to make a worse Fantastic Four movie than the 2 that already existed.

It is terrifying to watch Gronk run with the football. Every time i think he's either gonna break a leg or have the ball stripped because of the way he holds it out in one hand while pulling a defender or two a few more yards before falling down.

I could watch that blocked field goal gif all day. I hadn't actually seen the Buttsix before, that's just unbelievable. And i take an immense pleasure in the Jets' misspelling of "rivalry."
I'm really not as much of a jerk as all this makes me sound like, but i really hate the Jets.

I knew it was just a matter of time before those ads offended someone. I've also seen "far less attractive Rob Lowe" and "super creepy Rob Lowe." I guess there's no association for ugly people or pedophiles to express their outrage.

You are absolutely right. And not just Baldwin, but Peter Fonda too.

Good lord, Thomas and the Magic Railroad is a terrible, terrible movie. It really doesn't have a single redeeming feature; the acting is bad, the writing is bad, even the voice-acting for the engines is bad. It's got a couple of super-cheesy songs that way too easily get stuck in my head when my 2-year-old son