
I swear I read somewhere recently, probably last Halloween, that the old man was just spliced in from some other cartoon altogether. In fact, I might have read that on this site. Reading this, it sounds like that's not the case.

I humbly submit the Rex Ryan slo-mo fist-shake-and-swear-word that mentioned here last week. Still my favorite.

I couldn't help but notice during the Pats-Jets game last night just how often they showed us Rex Ryan's side-line reaction. And for some reason, it was always in slow motion. Unless he really just moves that slowly, but that would be weird. Anyway, it's always nice to see that guy angrily shaking his fist and

I have enjoyed all of the Langdon books. The movies have been adeqaute, but nothing to write home about. I wonder why they're skipping Lost Symbol, though. That one was mosty fun for being set in the US rather than overseas.

I totally understand where Will Harris is coming from. I don't cry very much, but ever since my son was born, i've become a lot more prone to getting choked up when i see anything having to do kids. I remember watching an episode of Bones (that i had seen before) where a man's son is kidnapped to pressure him out of

because he—unlike some other Robin Hoods—can speak with an English accent?

Batman: Arkham Asylum did something similar—the last time you face the Scarecrow it starts with the game freezing then reseting to the opening cinematic. It pretty quickly becomes obvious that it's part of the game though, since you see the Joker driving the Batmobile.
I really enjoyed that game, and Arkham City was

Is Prince Albert (or maybe he just goes by Albert now) still around? He went to my high school (long before i was there), and used to show uup at our football games every once in awhile. I was a WWE fan at the time, so i thought it was pretty cool to see him, even though he wasn't one of the top level guys at the

I've seen all of TOS though it has been awhile. It's possible i'm forgetting some of the not so good parts. But even in the movies i don't think he's as bad as people say.

I was only 17 hours late. Damn my work for not giving me ample opportunity to scroll thrghou all 200+ comments on a single article to make sure no one's already used the same joke that i want to use!

I got a TJ Hooker notification for this?
Did i do that right?
On a serious note Shatner always gets a bad rap for his acting, but in Trek he was generally pretty good. I don't remember ever seeing a full episode of TJ Hooker, but there's a clip in the "80's Scene It" game my wife and i have that shows just where all

"The Ravens produce a TV show called Ravens Unscripted, which raises the question, as opposed to what?"
Thank you for using the correct "raises the question" instead of "begs the question." As a person with a degree in Philosophy, people using "begs the question" wrong is something that really drives me crazy.
Also, as

I have to quick stories, neither of which i am responsible for.
The last time my whole family sat down together to watch a movie was when my sister decided we all needed to see Crash. That's right, the movie with all the interconnecting stories about racism and violence. Not even half-way through, my youngest

upvoted in the hopes of a Voyager project (though Prole Hole's write ups over at the TI forum are pretty good)

I have a 2-year-old, and we've recently been showing him songs from Disney movies on YouTube (he doesn't have the attention span for a whole movie yet). The Lion King is still my favorite Disney movie, so of course i showed him "Circle of Life" and "Hakuna Matata." The animation in the Circle of Life sequence is

"the moment a character became a much bigger player she went from being a black girl to the blondest white girl imaginable"
I don't remember this happening… the only blond girl i remember from HP is Luna Lovegood, and i don't remember that she was ever not a blond white girl. Did i miss something?

I always think it's funny that we check things on Snopes. "I read this on the internet but i wasn't sure if it was true, so i went to this other part of the internet and they said it isn't." I know that Snopes posts sources and all that, but does anyone actually check those sources? Some Wikipedia have sources

I don't really like this feature. No one ever has a good argument for why the song sucks, and they almost always pick a song that no one really thinks is all that good to begin with. Only good one I've seen was Frank Turner explaining why he hates "Imagine."
I think they should combine Hatesong with AV Undercover.

You're probably right—i'd just worry that a show set in Abrams' universe would involve Abrams' Kirk and crew and i'd rather see a new captain and crew

I for one would like to see a new Trek series on TV—preferably set in the original timeline, not the Abrams timeline. What would be really interesting would be a show that takes the POV of the Kingons or Romulans, with the Federation as the main antagonist. I'm not sure if that's possible the way the rest of Trek is