
thanks for the tip, i'll check out Prole's reviews. I think i'll end up wathcing the whole series of ENT—once i start something like that i like to see it all.

"Profit and Lace" is definitely worse than "Treshold." At least "Threshold" had a semi-interesting premise, even it was ruined with flawed science and just about the worst ending it could possibly have. "Profit and Lace" is just painful all the way through.

I've been slowly going through all the Star Trek series for years now (just starting season 3 of Voyager) and i religiously read the TV Club reviews of all 3 prior series. I have to admit i wasn't really looking forward to Voyager, but i'm liking it more than i anticipated. Still on the fence about continuing on to

Mallrats, also good. He played a good "guy you want to punch in the face" back then i guess.

"Definitely not a direct follow-up to Dazed And Confused where they’re all ghosts" made me laugh. maybe i enjoy wordplay-related jokes too much

Wait, the actual lyric is "dancer," singular? I think my mind automatically added the 's,' and all this time i've been wondering why the Killers didn't think dancers were human. Now i realize that i've been pondering the wrong question. What i shold be asking is whether we're collectively actually one of Santa's