
If I remember correctly, Lin-Manuel Miranda came up and introduced the montage and spoke about the impact of songs in movies.

At least you recognize the realities of cabinet posts, executive orders, and judicial nominees. The “Bernie or Bust” folks I run into seem to wave those things off as minor inconveniences in pursuit of some larger “movement.” And I find it kind of presumptuous for these mostly white, mostly male, mostly straight folks

Yeah, I think a little explanation would have been good, but of course then we would have missed all the amazingly confused celebrity reactions in the audience, which would have been a damn shame.  

There wasn’t anything wrong with it, per se, and I absolutely loved the montage that preceded it, but the whole thing was just confusing. I was legitimately thinking they had screwed up the montage given the long, LONG orchestral music playing over the 8 Mile footage, and then it was like “Oh, is that...Eminem? What?

Oh, the effects were great (I assume I watched the post-patch version), but even the best effects in the world don’t stop the fact that it was a psychotic fever dream of a movie that saved the worst for last when after at least being an innocent victim watching from afar, they sing the last song AT YOU and drag you

Can we please stop calling Jessie J a Jenna Dewan impersonator and other regressive bullshit when it comes to these two women? Why are we pitting them against each other because they dated the same man? It's so gross. Jenna is happy, Jessie is happy, they both have dark hair, let's move the fuck on. Dunk on Channing

I may be screaming into the void here but I need to let this out.

Yeah a) it’s weird and distracting to have one real character in a cast of fictional characters and b) I’m constantly trying to place where we are in time to calculate how much time he has left, which takes me out of the narrative. And it gives all of his interactions with Midge and undertone of sadness that wouldn’t

Listen I never want to go outside under any circumstance, but if I am forced to leave my apartment I’d rather it be cold than the actual hell of the summer heat and humidity of NYC. It’s way easier to warm up than it is to cool down!

Now playing

Any discussion of this movie and the fashion therein is incomplete without mention of this very important cultural artifact:

Let me know when Michelle sells her Pink Ladies jacket.

Of course, he’ll call this #FakeBoos...

It is not in our national constitution. Bear with me, as I’m a bit rusty on this, but:

Same, pretty much.

OK, so here’s my question to the Splinterati: Who do we have to bone in the media to get them to show one video shot, just once, of the back of the halls where Trump is speaking? I literally have to look at late-night chat shows to see images of the empty seats and cordoned-off areas and total lack of “overflow out

The cats are a metaphor. The cats are Bret Stephens. 

I’m buying flood insurance to prepare for the deluge of pushback from people who criticized Ilhan Omar’s supposed dual loyalty comments. If those folks were offended then, I’m sure we’ll all be blown away by their righteous anger when they hear about Trump’s comments.

I honestly thought this was a great photo of Kellyanne Conway.

Now playing

Re: Heidi Montag. Just a little bit Heidi. Uh

I had the same thought. Also I love the fucking whale mocking her weight.