
I will never apologize for enjoying “She’s the Man.” 

I wish I could write this better, but I’m not able to so I humbly thank you.

Make America Great Again Still

He also reminisced about Clinton’s use of the word “deplorables” to describe Trump fans...

If you pay attention to the themes of 2016, he really leaned on the “outsider” angle and how he was going to fix all of these problems, how all Washington needed was someone not “politically correct” and things would be different. A lot of that stuff really resonated with *certain* people, I think that angle helped

Because you’re ludicrously overstating the differences between them by saying she’s “significantly” to his right.

I disagree. Biden won’t be the front runner. If we are talking about charisma, then Kamala Harris has it in spades and is a better debater than anyone else on the stage. But yeah, if we were going on merit and not charisma, it would be Warren in the lead.

My first take is that this helps Warren. The entirety of the coverage after the second night will be Biden v. Sanders. At least Warren will get one day of coverage. I would think that Harris and Buttigieg would be hurt the most by this schedule.

Have you been following the other article which delves into the whole mistress and hotel room affair? Shit is going to get even more real for this guy quick.

Do you think people in Norway sit around wondering why their country keeps getting randomly drawn into batshit American Alt-Right discussion points?

I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that Keanu was just God slumming it in human form for a while.

I really love Yelchin’s work; I was heartbroken when I found out about his death. I can’t imagine the pain that loss put his parents through. He was such a talented artist, and there’s some consolation in seeing that by his family, friends, and colleagues, he was deeply loved. 

He’s literally the only celebrity who’s fashion I care about. In a sea of chiffon plainness or yet ANOTHER metallic mermaid gown, Sir Billy always serves the fashion realness. 

There is so much dumb in this world, the only ray of sunshine is Keanu.

Contrary to the wishes of just about everyone: Lindsay Lohan is recording new music. [Instagram]


It sure looked like Jon was was peacing out. 

The correct era name is clearly RBatz

They could have fix that so easily by killing Rhaegal in this episode, which could have made far much sense. Imagine Dany and Drogon looking at their dead family member, say “fuck it” and start torching everything.

Dem Russians are freaking the hell out that Barr might be held in contempt. Anywhere you go on YouTube announcing the news they are bombing the dislike ratio and flooding the comments.  You have to wonder why...