
came here to say! I love hometown—the couple is genuine too and Erin is legit talented

This is why I love Home Town and Good Bones - both shows very frequently work with people with tiny-ass budgets. Home Town also does a good job finding diverse homeowners - queer, POC, etc. - relative to HGTV programming as a whole.

Is this kind of contract the norm on these shows?  I like Home Town, but I wouldn’t like it if they did this to their clients!

Agree about choosing a woman of color 100%. Stacey Abrams is still my top choice. I was mostly just speculating that a Klobuchar pick wouldn’t necessarily be a dealbreaker (even though she’s at the bottom of my personal list).

The only reason this waste of twat got the job in the first place is because she downplayed the outbreak. He’s looking for someone who can handle damage control as well as assist with media briefings (narrator: “unfortunately, she wasn’t qualified to do either”)

My preferred rumour is that Harry got royally (ha) pissed at William for cheating on Kate after infidelity was such a strong theme in their childhood. William DID almost certainly cheat. 

Because sometimes you win, and that’s never going to happen if you don’t show up. I live in Oklahoma City. You know how often the person *I* vote for wins? Practically never. But in 2018, my district elected its first Democratic congressperson since the 70s. That never would have happened if I (and other Red

AG? She’s gonna be the VP.

That would be something I suppose, but it still keeps the status quo in place- women do the heavy lifting behind the scenes while a man remains in front to take the credit. That is why I have mixed feelings about the tokenism of VP pick- why would I want someone who is more level headed and in my opinion,

Yes, people should vote solely on merit, not because some people made them feel shitty.

That would be a helluva show but not sure it’s 100% doable. If you name someone to a position but you don’t yet have ability to hire that person for the position then you’ve lost negotiating edge. Those folks can ask whatever they want or else it looks like you’re a person that goes back on their word. Also, some

2 women on each others shoulders wearing a trench coat and a fake mustache for prez 2024

I completely understand why she has dropped and I still broken. FUCK this country. This is the smartest, most competent, most capable and genuine candidate in the whole field but the ignorant voters want to keep the status quo and go with another goddamned old white guy. FUCK this country.

I was way too old to have been a Jonas fan when they were famous before. Now I’m actually really loving their music and the fact that they seem to be living their best lives. They and their wives just make me happy because they seem so happy, you know?

And lest we forget, FDR was very hesitant to get into WWII, and knew what was going on with Hitler and the Jews and decided it wasn’t our problem.

I understand the Auschwitz Memorial concerns, but there are a lot of films that present fictionalized accounts of what happened at the camps. You can’t stop Holocaust deniers from being the idiots they are. If this series educates and reminds people what happened in the camps, then I don’t see the problem. It’s not a

If anything, “socialist” should be used against Trump, after all Trump just yesterday proposed a THIRD government bailout for farms that he has hurt with trade wars and general incompetence

I feel like the press is so bored they have to turn all of this into a goddamn game show, and we all get to pay the price. Our politics is stupider, our understanding is shallower, and our democracy is slouching into ruin.

Congratulations to Sanders and well done to all the candidates. Let’s destroy Shitler and save America from the forces of darkness in 2020.