
The Netflix doc series goes into this a bit. One of the survivors featured was a “recruiter” as a high school student and it’s haunted her since in more ways than one. Another girl was recruited with promises of a modeling (or acting) career in NYC. One of the earliest known victims was a college artist and

This show was my comfort food when NY was on lockdown in the spring.

I LOVE Home Town (more than Fixer Upper) and read that Erin likes to use pieces from the family she works with when staging. So I think it’s more of a mix with that show.

At this point, not much will keep me from voting for Biden to get Trump removed from office! I will walk over broken glass without a mask in November if I have to lol

Biden is the reason those swing states in the midwest will vote Blue again. He’s the one that will bring out the white/blue collar voters who might switch from Trump to Biden.

I understand those concerns with her record. And think she needs to do a better job addressing them. Unfortunately, she can’t erase the past and, while she can work to make amends, this could end up being the liability that costs her the job.

Bear with me, but I’d like to politely counter this argument that Harris doesn’t bring anything to swing states just because she’s from California. Setting aside her potential issues due to her position as AG...

She’s A) A blonde fox news bobblehead clone and B) She’s really good at yelling over everyone... so to Trump she’ll be perfect. To the rest of us, it’ll be a good reason to continue to ignore her and this car crash of an administration.

William/MiB will finally travel through the maze, I think. He has to rediscover himself and become whole again. I think it could actually be fairly intriguing and give his character a new dimension if done correctly.

ehhh, Ari Melber is hotter... and smarter.

I was referencing the fact that you were saying he was semi-demented and couldn’t speak English. Outside the fact that he is being aggressive in his rhetoric, there is clear pivoting in his sentences that is a maneuver stutterers use. Like his reference to free speech, which in this context meant there are some limits

There were also rumors that Wills cheated on Kate (with her best friend) and then The Firm used the tabloids to rag on Meghan as a distraction. 

He has a known stutter and I can imagine that when he was younger it was a lot easier to overcome likely due to just being a younger person with vastly more mental acuity.

Kamala was good friends with Beau Biden and by extension Joe. It makes sense in every conceivable way (including policy-wise) that she would endorse him over Bernie. Not to mention the job she’ll likely have in a Biden admin, potentially VP.

I completely understand where you’re coming from. But, at this point to me, I would still love to see a woman as the VP. And I think more woman leading government agencies is just always going to be a good thing for this country regardless. Well... unless you’re a Trump appointee lol

haha thanks! I completely forgot the senate needs to appoint most of those cabinet positions. I think my brain is ready for it to be 5pm Friday!

Bear with me as I hash out this idea, and it might be controversial, but it might also make things more palatable... at least it does to me.

I thought it was more of a Buffy reference since the Nocturna character really resembled the early 2000's styling (got a big Faith vibe) with the long leather jacket and basically just all dark leather and lipstick...

Oh yeah. I mean FDR did a lot of great things. But He also did a lot of horrible things such as ignoring the atrocities by the Nazis, turning away Jewish refugees, and his greatest gem of interning Japanese Americans. People are complicated...

I have a similar assessment. Also, it highlights the very real ways the US government harbored Nazis after the war. Just see Wernher Von Braun among thousands of others from Operation Paperclip.