
It would make a good ad! A focus on the socialist bailouts while also referencing the fact that Obama’s deal made the automakers pay back those loans, unlike Trump who’s using tax dollars to buy votes...

Lol I should have scrolled down because I answered the same post with the same point about candidates making voters feel things rather than rattling off policy points. I think it’s absolutely true and it’s a reason why, unfortunately, we have Trump in office. It’s also why Bernie has the support he has.

Most voters don’t seem care about a platform. They care about platitudes. They care about a way a candidate makes them feel.

how did i miss that! Tho, I remember thinking at that moment when Lin was speaking how excited I am for In The Heights movie this summer... so that might be my bad haha!

I saw the original version and the VFX was pretty awful - because they were unfinished and rushed - some of the faces didn’t align correctly with the bodies during movement and the feet floated off the ground, hands looked weird, it was a mess.

Agree. All the Academy needed to do was have someone (like a famous musician who won the award e.g. John Legend) come up and briefly talk about the impact of hit songs from movies. But, if I recall correctly, they just started the montage without any explanation whatsoever. I feel that if there was some lead in to the

Yes this!! I also don’t know why more candidates aren’t talking about the Supreme Court being on the ballot this year and pushing that message harder.

lol more like last summer’s “ready or not!

Um... I don’t think these are analogous at all. Melania is a racist trashbag who propgated birtherism and has a stupid initiaitive to combat bullying when that is all her husband likes to do. Among many, many other flaws.

I believe it’s just now 1960... so Lenny’s got some years left (and yes I literally had to google when he died because I was so concerned with that final line).

Honestly, I feel so vindicated. I knew from the moment he left as AG he would run for his old seat and my ex-boyfriend used to condescendingly poo-poo me that I was wrong.

But what about the Zequel???

So these calls with Trump and foreign heads of state may also be a national security threat. What’s to stop other foreign countries from coming back and blackmailing the president?

Ugh Lindsay Arnold - a former So You Think You Can Dance alumna - deserves better.

Here you go (it’s the second video in the thread). Thanks CSPAN!

Hard agree. And may I offer you this balm:

I would give Sony the benefit of the doubt if it wasn’t well known what a complete asshole and greedy fuck-up Tom Rothman (fired from Fox) is.

Also the phrasing of this sentence makes it sound like he’s insinuating Pocahontas was... not skinny or something? Is he low key fat shaming Pocahontas? But he’s using skinny as an insult? I’m so confused.

I read that come 6/30 they can’t make changes or updates to the census and that it’s essentially “due to print” at that point. So there’s no time right now for round 2. However, that doesn’t mean they sure as hell won’t try.

That’s spot on that his show won’t be for us.