
Oops, I see you thought of that too! 

OMG, I said this elsewhere! They also should have had Bran warg into a bird and do recon missions around Kings Landing before just flying around with a wounded dragon and getting him massacred. 

Bronn’s attitude was understandable. His anger was not. Why all of a sudden is he so pissed off? Sardonic, condescending, insulting, that kind of approach, okay, yeah. But this rage he’s got going all of a sudden makes zero sense.

And your Fantastic Four, if they’d get off their asses and cast John Krasinski and Emily Blunt already.

Before Sunday I would have said Tyrion gains the iron throne but rules jointly with Sansa while she stays in Winterfell (a practical division of power, but still technically keeps the kingdoms together - They have to have an heir to rule it all next gen, but they don’t hate each other, so they will be able to do it.

Yep, I think Sansa ends up as Queen in the North. If they don’t go with Mad Queen for Dany I kind of feel like she’ll look at her lack of forces and support and just head back across the sea to rule there.

I’m being extremely optimistic, but I don’t believe the Night King/White Walker story is 100% over. Like maybe we get some further explanation from Bran, even maybe find out he was involved..... SOMETHING that makes the series long plot seem worth it. Maybe the night queen (from the books/lore) was running things from

I got to meet him in Vegas a few weeks ago. My closest friend of 30 years keeps dragging me to these Democratic Party meet and greets; he refuses to accept the fact that while he’s gotten more moderate with age, I’ve started keeping a copy of the Communist Manifesto with me in case I get bored and need to give an

The book series would all work better as a limited series anyway. Too much to put into 90 minutes. A nine episode series would work better.

I am fond of the idea that he went straight to King’s Landing instead of Winterfell to increase his army even more. But it could also be they wanted to save the amazing-ness that him and his newly acquired dragon have.

All the fuss about Tyrion going in the basement to *not* fight means he *has* to fight, right?


I was actually thinking Tyrion.  He went and met with Bran and got “Brans story” I think he’s the only one to do that really.  So he’d be one of the few who could write it, other than Bran himself.

I think whatever’s left down there is going to rise. In the teaser Dani says “the dead are already here.”

God bless the political genius of Taylor Swift.

Sean Bean still lookin sexy as fuck. IDC, fight me. 

I’ve decided the Republican party is basically Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame and AOC is the Esmeralda they’re creepily obsessed with.

Scarlett and Colin... share the same sense of humor.

Nebula goes to get the soul stone and sacrifices herself for her sister.

I could have been that secretary.