
My favorite part of the 1939 NYC Nazi rally is that a huge contingent of mounted police had to be stationed outside Madison Square Garden specifically to protect would-be American Nazis from the throngs of angry New Yorkers who were there to protest the rally. The protestors included Jewish WW1 vets and Bugsy Siegel’s

Didn’t they say that Mueller was beginning a “final draft” of his report like October of last year?

her husband’s fiercest protector enabler

Been team Tessa since Veronica Mars.

Oh to be a shredder salesman in New York, because there’s about to be the mother of all orders from 721-25 Fifth Avenue!

In this context? It’s morons all the way down.

It’s true, I thought Chris Christie was slender as a lynx until he stopped wearing longer ties and the illusion was over.

Who’s the bigger moron, the moron, or the moron who follows him while desperately sucking up to get an administration gig only to get kicked to the curb?

Ill be sad to see it go but I think it’s the right decision. The show feels like an artifact of the late obama era, hysterically funny but also full of dread. In 2016 everything it hinted at for America came true, so it’s not quite as relevant now. In my opinion.

The very people that are afraid of being overrun by people who don’t look like them have made the next generation of people who look like them unable to comfortably afford homes and children.

The fucking tie though holy shit

Yeah no. You pretty much sound like the people that were against Heath Ledger as Joker before TDK came out. Let’s watch the movie and find out shall we? Gyllenhaal was in all of 10 seconds in this trailer. He could very well be better developed than Malekith was. 

He looks like a six-month old puppy sitting proudly next to a huge dump he took on the floor of a room strewn with ripped-up sofa cushions and scattered kitchen trash.

A couple things going on here - 1) this is the kind of food he enjoys, so he figures it’s a treat. 2) he hears ‘college kids’ and assumes “hey, kids like McD’s and pizza, right?” while failing to realize these are top-tier athletes who probably eat insanely well.

I didn’t have time on Wednesday or Thursday to respond and I hoped someone else would. Since no one else did I will say that I agree with your first two paragraphs completely. He displayed good campaigning skills in 2018 and that form of pure inspiration is really necessary for 2020 in order the counter the terrifying

Seriously...This is really B.S. I remember Jezebel calling her out during that time. The video and the song were fucking gross and controversial back then, due to the allegations. Didn’t they edit the video or removed him from it due to the issues related to R. Kelly? Ugh..I should Google.

To be fair, the bible is one of the oldest piece of fake news there is.

I’m lookin’ at his works right NOW and despairing— but then again, many of us from the NY/NJ area have already been doing that since the 1980s. :P

the idea that lots of people would actively avoid Trump’s speech but switch back to watch Chuck & Nancy seems a tad bizarre to me.

thank you for all the great info/insight