
I want Ayra to kill everyone and then she pulls off her face and she’s Sean Bean.

My theory is that a lot of us are children of Baby Boomers. There are a lot of Baby Boomers with multiple children.

I have difficulty believing that Meghan is anything but lovely. I mean come on: during all those years of acting & humanitarian work pre-Harry, I can’t recall a single incident that caused her to be regarded as anything less than humble, genuine & empathetic. Now all of a sudden she’s a diva from hell? (Yeah right.) I

My biggest disappointment about Trump’s funeral is that he’ll be too dead to know how sparsely attended it was compared to his predecessors.

I’m really glad Killing Eve and Oh were nominated, because that show is amazing.

I wish I’d gotten to see the article before it was deleted because I also want to see what the move from Point A to Point B was? I’m a happy slut with a party streak and I’ve never woken up riding a horse into a wedding.

Olivia Colman as Thénardier? Cannot wait. Must watch. NOW.


God I literally almost forgot about Michael Cohen. These are wild times. 

His love of fast food and the fact he’s survived in relatively good health to this age are both proof that there is no god.

One of the main problems with the Democratic party—the party as a whole—is that Democrats are bad at politics. It’s why midterm election turnout is typically so low among Democrats—because Democrats have historically not been able to be bothered to keep up with low-information races which, while note incredibly

Ambassador to the United Neightions

I totally agree. I was telling my friend the other day, progressives have a really great opportunity to OWN THEIR POLICY IDEAS. Say “why of fucking course I support Medicare for All, AND YOU SHOULD TOO, AND HERE’S WHY”. Go on the offensive...take the messaging war back from douchebags on the right. Paint THEM as the

the Democrats never had the Senate, so they could never lose it. they did win the House however. I know the blue wave wasn’t as wavy as we had hoped but some good did come out of it (imagine the first day when Maxine Waters can announce she will be subpoenaing Trump’s taxes and tell me that doesn’t bring a smile to

From your lips to Flying Spaghetti Monster’s ears. 

He was having a bad hair day.

Wohl used a photo of himself with an Instagram filter for one of their phony executives.

I think you call that a bingo.

Did you see the Twitter thread where all of the execs of Surefire “Intelligence” is being methodically outed as random profiles and stolen photos? 

no, but we are a blog that knows what music is