
“If Minaj was offered the song first, why take it to Cardi B at all? Wouldn’t Cardi have gotten upset when the offer was rescinded?”

And here’s the thing: those of us who actually did have Nazi grandpas have spent our entire lives wrestling with the deep guilt and shame that this heritage confers. It is our duty to wrestle with it as moral citizens — not a duty we wanted or ever asked for, but our duty nonetheless.

She could be angling for Lindsey Graham’s seat. Graham has been openly calling for Trump to replace Sessions after the midterms, and he seems to have been mugging for enough applause to get the appointment himself.

I think that’s why we need to vote in state and local races. Hoping that the SCOTUS will save us from our dysfunctional stage governments was never really a good idea anyway. Even a solidly liberal court doesn’t hear that many cases and doesn’t decide that many issues; we need to be turfing Republicans out at every

Luck, I guess. She believes promises even though she has no way of holding the person to account if they renege. McConnell promised to work with her on repairs to the ACA if she voted for the tax bill. She did, but he hasn’t even mentioned the ACA since then. 

I disagree. I think Susan Collins can get away with a No vote in Maine, which Clinton won in 2016 (technically they dole out electoral votes by district, but she won the overall popular vote). I don’t think Heidi Heitkamp can get away with the same in North Dakota, which Trump won by 35 points. Susan Collins will vote

I think that can’t be understated enough. His support “amongst Republicans” remains high, because those who are ashamed of the GOP’s direction no longer call themselves Republican. The pool of support shrinks daily, all thanks to ole Mushroom Dick

Now we want a photo of Robert Mueller, sitting in PM’s tacky Trump Tower apartment, reading thick reports with his feet on the desk. Maybe looking at the camera over the top of some half-glasses. IN tray medium empty. OUT tray piled two feet tall.

All of what you stated is brilliant, which is why you are “CleverGirl”!

Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann told the judge Manafort’s plea agreement is a “cooperation agreement,” and other charges will be dropped at sentencing at “or at the agreement of successful cooperation.” The scope of the cooperation was not immediately clear.

A third possibility: it’s Pence’s senior aide and speechwriter.

He can’t even be bothered to actually look up what these people may be “strong on”. He just says the same shit every time. He has no idea what he’s saying, he just repeats his talking points over and over again. That’s how you end up with him saying that some senator from north dakota or kansas is “strong on borders”.

I agree with this completely. Cuomo still gets my vote in November if Nixon loses.

I had that fear initially, but she has shown herself to be remarkably adroit at discussing policy issues and understanding the nuances of them and she has a lot of people on her team that do have the deeper Albany experience she lacks. At the very least, she seems smart, competent and willing to learn. My worst case

I read this really quickly as "Judy Garland would be on the supreme Court" and was like FUCK YEAH PREACH

Hey, Pence.

She would be the feisty retiree living in a trailer park and taking cases, stopping by the ritzy retirement community to deal with all of Dick Casablanca’s and Logan’s exes. I would watch that in a minute.

10/10 would watch geriatric Veronica Mars. 

1) So?

Disagree.  Any Veronica Mars with the original cast involved is excellent Veronica Mars and I am all in.