
Yeah, I’m also seeing the sense in Rudy’s strategy, but can’t see his motivation. My top bets would be:

Bingo. He just figures that capitalizing it will make it sound like he knows one war from another. “Y’know the War.... that last one we had...”

Was there an actual invitation extended by France or is he just planning to crash their party, unwanted by anyone?

go to the Paris parade, celebrating the end of the War, on November 11th.

Warren has always been a... I don’t want to say ‘hero’ but someone to whom I look since long before she entered national politics. I think she’s one of the few that realizes there’s a massive economic imbalance that’s gone beyond unhealthy into ‘potentially disastrous’ AND willing to work on it.

As someone whose hometown is in Goodlatte’s district: Good. Fuck him.

Looking forward to Trump calling for a mass-boycott of insulin.

Or we could take any hypothetical space force funding and dump it into NASA. There’s a real chance we could identify extra terrestrial life in the next half century either using the James Webb telescope to study the exo planets discovered using Kepler or by studying the oceans on Enceladus, Europa, and Mars. Not

In total fairness, this is something that white people have been winking and nodding to themselves about since before their was a United States of America. If anything, this is the older American Dream: that if you work hard and play by the rules, you will be given the chance to sink or swim on your own merits . . . if

What kind of idiot votes for the Green Party in that election anyway?

But they’re both SO GOOD AT IT, and Gina always looks so amazing? (Gabriel Macht is pretty as hell, but I just find Adams so, soooooo aggressively bland.)

Groan! Well, that’s just spiffy. I suppose we had to expect this sooner or later.

Well, la de fucking DA. I like this part of the story! *munches popcorn*

Mazel to these crazy kids, but:

Never thought i’d see Chiseled abs and Matzo ball soup in the same sentence.

Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper walked beside me at one of the U2 shows in Los Angeles a few weeks back. Lady Gaga was incredibly beautiful.

Just an idea.

And Now, An Interpretation:

To Begin, Some Images: