
If I were Melania, I think I would like Mr. Avenatti to take a look at my pre-nup with a fine toothed comb.

Entitlement is definitely a contributor to this. Men feel entitled to a woman. If life doesn’t hand them what they feel they are owed, they get angry. Women on the other hand....(at least this one) I’m not getting sex, not everyone gets to have the loving guy and awesome relationship and white picket fence or

Maeve wanting to find her daughter ISN’T programming, though. Her programming is “Brothel Madam.”

I still think he may be working on a way to transfer consciousness from human to host, and that will be William’s reward if he succeeds. How you ask? Well those drone hosts looked pretty advanced; robots making robots...

That’s what I’m thinking. FBI folks know how to draw people out after their weaknesses have been prodded. And everyone knows Trump’s weaknesses at this point - - piss him off and he’ll fly right off the hinges, which is not helpful even with his base. And when he’s unhinged, he incriminates himself about 5 times per

Either way, for him to ask, shows that he either did that with the Russian hookers, or he can’t remember whether he did that or not.

Comey is no flipping hero to progressives, but I have to admit I live for the drama of this. Terrible to admit how much I want more pee tape info.

Yep. Cohen has enough skeletons in his closet to remake Jason and the Argonauts.

That was my first thought as well. There have been persistent whispers that the reason Ryan and McConnell are unwilling to stand up to Trump is because there is plenty of dirt on them, particularly with regard to Russian financing and hacked data being strategically deployed in close House/Senate races.

That’s Kevin McKidd! A.k.a. Lucius Vorenus from Rome

Did none of the other Housewives think of going as Bethenny Frankel?

As long as she gets to beat the shit out of some Nazis, cool. Punching Nazis is A-OK, and something we need more of.

Those outfits ranked:

Anyone else notice that both his mistress and his wife look like his sister?

Loki is a good choice to die. I feel like if Hawkeye was gonna die he’d have shown up in the trailers - you don’t want to kill off an original Avenger without making a bit of a deal out of it. He might go in the next one, though.

“I never thought Thanos would wipe out my half of the universe.” Said the woman who voted for the Thanos Wipes Out Half of the Universe Party.

The real messages that are being conveyed between Trump and Kushner at this point are about pardons and threats of testimony. Trump knows he hurts his own case if he pardons Kushner, Kushner knows that handing over full information to Mueller may not be enough to avoid all charges or save his business, Trump may well

There’s definitely a big fudge factor on when we can say the CofE “really” started (ie when it went from being, if you like the “Church in England” to the “Church of England”), but the church itself uses a foundation date of 1534 and traces its founding patriarchs back to ol’ Henry’s reign. Definitely some retconning

CofE wasn’t created by Henry VIII. It was created by Elizabeth I so she wouldn’t be a bastard.

When she says he’s “more handsome in person” it looks like she’s about to grab a knife and fork and eat him right up, y’all!!!