
My former boss was Trump’s age and he did the same: had me print all his emails (including lengthy attachments), hand-wrote responses on them, then had me type up the responses and print *those* out so he could double-check and edit them before they were sent. If he made edits, I had to print them out again for him to

i was a kid when they came out so i don’t know if they were received well, i just know how much i enjoyed them. but I’m reminded of conspiracy theory and kiss the girls, movies done by america’s darlings that are really good. i think she gets access to many, many scripts but is just having a really tough time picking

Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team:

Or they go with Pratt opening the pod but treat it like the psychological horror film that it should have been.

According to Comey’s testimony on Jan 10th of last year the Russians did indeed try to hack the RNC using methods similar to the DNC attack and were successful on a smaller scale. The information they were able to get was older RNC information and information regarding state level campaigns and matters. None of this


I think it has a lot to do with the fact that they are old and the internet is still a new playground for them. Millennials grew up with it, we learned the red flags while our brains were still developing. These folks did not have that benefit, in fact, growing up in the golden age of journalism has probably made them

Well, at least the US Government tracks and monitors white supremacist groups as potential terrorists so that they can stop this in the future OH FUCKING WAIT NO THEY DON’T BECAUSE THE FUCKING ASSHOLES IN CHARGE DON’T THINK WHITE SUPREMACISTS ARE ALL THAT BAD OF PEOPLE.

I read other team centric sports blogs, because I am a masochist, and the popular idea there was that we need 20 armed guards at every school. Me, being the libtard cuck that I am, suggested that maaaaaybe creating a police state at school isn’t the greatest for the development, and that we might want to start banning

Now you know why he and Kelly and the rest of them will never quit no matter how badly Trump treats them. These scumbags would never be where they are in any other Administration, would never have the power they now wield, and they know it. Why would they ever give it up?

This idea of values the IT in Chief is pedaling is just a distraction for his base. DJT does not care at all for anyone outside of his own ego, but needs it stroked. He was a CEO, he was the host of a messed up reality show, and now he is President. He needs to feel like a winner, regardless, and now he is in a

I did research on workplace sexual harassment in law school. I’m hardly an expert, but a lot of my research showed that a reason some victims do not come forward is that they do not actually want to ruin their harasser’s life and get him fired. For some victims, they want a more restorative approach (counselling,

Honestly unless it turns out she’s bi or lesbian and wants to date Malala, I don’t know who is good enough for her.

Let’s all just celebrate the triumphant return of Brendan Fraser who I have missed dearly....

if they would release Red Sparrow on Valentine’s Day, it’d kill (no pun intended)

I still think “Stephen Miller” is his most terrifying character. Utterly convincing.

I’m Indian and I can attest, the one thing white people are always telling me is that there simply aren’t enough Indians in the world. So yes, this tracks.

I’ve seen this debate boiling up to the surface for years. I remember being at protests in Texas a few years ago where people were voicing their disapproval over a bill that would limit access to abortions. Anyone could sign up to speak and offer testimony as a concerned citizen, but so many (from both sides) signed

I will say this though: I fully believe Oprahs at least smart enough to surround herself with those with experience. I highly doubt she would appoint Stedman a cabinet position or fill every top position with rich fat cats with only self interest in mind.

I’m guessing they figured Seth Meyers had enough to say for everyone.