
Does Trump think we are all as stupid as he and his mindless followers are? His response to this is to say that the CHAIRMAN of his campaign had nothing to do with his campaign?

The Fusion GPS story plus Bannon’s comments (released today from Micahel Wolff’s upcoming book) that Don Jr. is probably going to prison and that the meeting between Trump officials and the Russians at Trump Tower was - in HIS words - “treasonous.” Bannon also said money laundering was involved.

I bet plenty of designers and their PR are kicking themselves now, thinking of the times Markle’s stylist reached out to them to dress her, but they were rebuffed or ignored because she wasn’t A-list enough. It definitely happened.

Exactly. SA basically decided they would rather destroy Iran and need the U.S. as allies to continue their Shia/Sunni battles. Right now they’re so involved with that, they would rather cede a “win” to Israel over fellow Arab/Muslims in order to continue to pursue their vendetta against Iran, which has now played out

couldn’t have said it better.

Good points.

I hope this helps... the other side of cringe.

Honestly I cannot WAIT for Scumbag Sebastian Stan in I, Tonya.

I’m fairly certain this is about Iran as much as anything else. Rex is an oil guy and doesn’t really have any interest on FP beyond making lucrative arms/energy deals with the likes of Saudi Arabia or Russia. In other words, he’s not a “true believer” when it comes to regime change in Iran. I’m betting that once he

To avoid confusion, all stars in ongoing Marvel films will be named Chris. Chris Larson will be starring in Ms. Marvel. Chris Boseman in Black Panther. The role of Thanos in Avengers will be voiced and mo-capped by Chris Brolin, with digital effects rendered in 3D Studio Chris.

The other day, Trump tweets about CNN International being a poor representative of the United States to the rest of the world...

As a Jew, if I had a father-in-law with a documented history of racism and antisemitism, and he (again) showed support for Nazis, I’d be denouncing him from the rooftops.

I read through some of the negative user reviews and largely it seems that people believe that a good film is entirely about the story and how much you personally relate to it. Or that if you dislike a character that the film portrays as a protagonist, well meaning, or in some way loving that the production as a whole

Blake Shelton isn’t even the sexiest man on “The Voice.”

In a world with a Rami Malek, Oscar Isaac and Idris Elba, there is NO excuse for this malarkey!

Ha ha. They’ll for sure invite the Obamas, though. Hilarious and delicious shade!

In a world with MAHERSHALA ALI?


And the biggest issue to Virginians voting for Northam? Health care. So when democrats run on the issues, they win. Maine also passed a referendum on Medicaid expansion.

IDK about you, but have you been moved to use the CAP-LOCK FEATURE SO MUCH THESE DAYS? I have :-)