
I made the mistake yesterday of getting into some online discussions with gun enthusiasts about how there needs to be additional legislation passed to properly screen potential gun buyers/ owners, and I got the usual replies- Chicago laws, too many guns out there already, 2nd amendment for defense against gov’t

Haha yes! Crunch on Sunset!

I can personally verify that not only is Jeff Goldblum a gym-rat but that he also works out in Levi’s jeans.

These are also problems for working class PoC and no one gives them such a sympathetic hearing, so I am acutely unsympathetic. Their defense amounts to “but I’m a white man!” at this point and trains aren’t hiring either.

I’m of the view there’s no appropriate time to release a film like this and maybe we can stop making films that pedal the fantasy that any teenage girl would be interested in gross older guys altogether. The fantasy is entirely ONE-SIDED.

It has absolutely zero to do with how attractive his wife is, or how many beautiful women that are willing to throw themselves at him. Fucksticks like Weinstein get off on leveraging their power to force unwilling participants to do what they want. If the women were willing, he wouldn’t enjoy it nearly as much.

Regarding all these “*I* didn’t know *anything*” bullshit statements from celebs. Stop. Just tell the truth.

This! I live in the Upper West Side, where so many people seem to be into politics, but when I voted in the primary I was the only one voting at 8:30am! People, what the fuck?

It’s amazing how active folks can be on social media about politics but eschew any sort of local involvement. I voted in the NYC mayoral primary along with with just 14% of eligible voters... the rep. elect in NH won by 39 votes... local elections matter, folks!

“Last one to get subpoena is the focus of the investigation.”

Hurricane Jose. Hurricane Katia. Hurricane Maria.

They’re not going to deport nearly enough people. They just want to terrorize everyone who is here. And they want to make citizens like me feel like this is not our country, like we don’t matter. This is about terrorizing some of us and demoralizing the rest.

This brings to mind an image of Kelly on The Today Show one chilly December morning, getting surprised by Al Roker dressed as Santa going “I’m just white, huh, motherfucker?”.

Rhaegar and Lyanna’s wedding was infinitely more interesting to me.

I’m sorry, Ms. Godot, no disrespect intended but if they go with a woman Bond it has to be Natalie Dormer.

I know! All the other relationships and conflicts they spent so long setting us up for and the moment Tormund wiggled his eyebrows at Brienne it was all I cared about.

Really? I thought she looked much smarter and should have been made Secretary of Energy.

I want to know what’s Lyanna’s opinion on Jon hanging out with Jorah.

As much as I have loved this season, the writing has been consistently sloppy and rather lazy with how they have resolved things.

Bannon probably played a tape of Truman’s words, or had Trump try to memorize them before giving his “speech” about North Korea. The resulting words were Trump’s garbled attempt to mimic Truman’s.