
(who wasn’t even good enough for Rachel Weisz)

1) Initiate private conversations with Mueller

I immigrated from South Vietnam in the closing days of what, over there, is known as “The American War” when I was 4 years old. I left on a CIA plane (my mom worked for the CIA and my dad was a South Vietnamese officer) on April 19, 1975. In a week and a half, South Vietnam ceased to exist as a nation. I literally

This happened because so few would in the would u poll! Trump did not like those numbers!!!

Anthony Scaramucci,

That, and you actually run the risk of losing whatever left-wing base you had.

Really? In the show she came off as a schemer who was way in over her head too. It does seem like in season 7 they’re trying to make her seem like a mastermind. However, Jamie appears to be the military mastermind/sensible advisor. Since he seems to be the only person she trusts and the only person she will listen

Oh, damn, I didn’t even think of Maggie Gyllenhaal — she would be great. I did think of Evan Rachel Wood, but I thought she wasn’t ethnically Jewish? Like, her parents were gentiles but her mom converted before she was born? Which I guess raises some interesting questions about Jewish identity and casting . . . like,

If we can get both those assholes, I’d be delirious. If not, well, even though they are as assholian as Trump, at least they are competent. It’s a question of whether you want Lawful evil (Pence or Ryan) or Chaotic evil (Trump).

Ugh he makes me shudder but I’m SO interested to find out how things play out with him and Sansa. Is it ultimately still all about Catelyn? Is Sansa really a weakness for him and if so, how far does that go? When does she become a liability for him and what will he do about it? Aaaah!

We know what the next bombshell is. Kushner’s data operation worked hand in glove with Russian intelligence to microtarget bots and fake news in districts where Hillary was vulnerable in swing states. Likely coordinated the timing of the release of hacked and altered documents from the DNC and Podesta hacks.

I don’t understand why Trump has such a bee in his bonnet about CNN when they constantly have on idiots like this to defend him and employ people like Jeffrey Lord, Kayleigh Whatsherface and Jack Kingston. This is why MSNBC is so much better. They rarely invite the crazies.

Agreed. There is going to be no honorable thing done here (ie Nixon at least resigned -which was the right thing to do) DT literally has a brain that isn’t working right, he will pardon everybody and when it’s time for him to go I fear he’ll try to secure himself with willing military backup and say “make me.” May we

“Donald Trump Jr.? I barely know him. He had a very limited role for a very limited time in my life.” — Donald Trump

Much more intriguing is the possibility that Don Jr will throw Daddy under the bus. Maybe he’s tired of not being the favorite? That would make things more interesting very quickly.

You know the biggest irony about this entire catastrophe? It looks like Hillary’s private email server is the only government server that wasn’t hacked. Whenever I think about that I want to laugh hysterically.

LOSER. Obama was on the cover 22 times.

“Who’s the big boy? He is!” LOL

So he is technically correct. Which, according to Futurama is the best kind of correct.

Maybe he was referring to Wonder Woman; she’s a guardian Amazon...