Deleted; responded to the wrong comment.
Deleted; responded to the wrong comment.
I always found these to be hideously ugly and not at all fast. Never drove one of these monstrosities, so I can’t speak to the many other comments about the crappy build quality. I’d like to add that the late-eighties fad of square headlights replacing round designs is offensive, and it’ll never catch on.
Ah! I told ojiisan not to touch any of the buttons in the center of the Mach 5's steering wheel!
Hopefully, in like 5 years, everywhere will have the plate readers and EZpass will just be something you register for and you get a reduced rate since they don’t have to mail you a bill - no transponder required.
Consider yourself lucky. In Illinois, the cost w/o a transponder is double the transponder rate. (This may not be currently true; the no-transponder rate was cut to equal the transponder rate when COVID induced the State to lay off 100% of its toll collectors, and the rate may never have bounced back.)
Back before 9/11 changed everything, you used to be able to drop people off at the gate, and also wait at the gate when picking someone up at the airport. Doing so meant that you almost certainly parked in a paid garage, and perhaps bought something from the concessions to kill time while waiting for your inevitably…
Ah, but “I have no recollection of a particular event occurring 30 years ago while was at a drunken college party” is sufficient evidence to prove that the event in question never happened and it’s perfectly okay to confirm me as a Supreme Court Justice. So we’ve got that going for us, which is nice.
First off, why are we paying to maintain them if they have a crew provided under the insurance?
As a long-time Jetta owner and fan, I can say that this i sone of the ugliest pieces of shit I’ve seen in a long time.
UPS shops are ALL union shops. The Teamsters are one of the most powerful unions in the country. UPS employees are extremely well represented by the Teamsters; I can assure you that if this woman really was fired for falling asleep on the job, the union would have had her back on the job within 2 to 3 days at the most.
Ok, but only if you stop typing two spaces between sentences; that only applies when using a monospaced font, like on a 50s’era typewriter.
And I reject the idea that slasher porn qualifies as protected speech under the 1st Amendment. May we both have good luck with that.
You can’t claim that there is no warning in advance of these speed bumps, as there is. (The YouTube page run by the guy in front of whose house these bumps were installed includes the tag line “As always just clips of people completely blowing through marked speed bumps in one location.”) While you and I may…
These are the people who didn’t manage to engage with the basics of rational or critical thinking on a college level
7. Hillary-loving libs oppressed him.
Do yourself a favor and grow up at least a decade. Just delete this account, and start over with a new one under a new name. May I suggest choosing a name without the tellingly immature word “turd” in it? Seriously; you come across like a 30-year-old incel with the emotional maturity of a 12-year-old.
I am going to make a request. Stop responding to me. Period. Its clear that you and I have some major differences and that I do not exactly enjoy your quippy, always-insulting comments.
I know many want to defund the police.
I love Levar but that grammatical error has me scared for that Twitter thread.
Replace men in this scenario with Whites and women with Blacks, and the threat-to-my-privilege angle becomes clear.