This is a common misconception based on an incomplete picture of the forces at play.
This is a common misconception based on an incomplete picture of the forces at play.
Im sure its a secret covid vaccine
Don’t forget the Libs started this fire so that the red mist could be used to further indoctrinate...
Nice try LIEberals, but this article has been fact checked by REAL DONALD TRUMP PATRIOTS! Here are the real ingredients:
Wake up sheeple this red water aka Commie Water, is just a plot by the libs, working with Russia and North Korea where they mix di-hydrogen monoxide with the same forever chemicals that turned the frogs gay. It’s all a massive plot to infect you with the homo which results in an uncontrollable desire to shove things…
I think we all know it commie lib conspiracy.
Profit may well be, but market dominance, revenue, and Elonstans are the ‘value’ in Tesla. If (when) Elon and Trump catastrophically fall out and Trump looks for vengeance, slashing the market for credits will devastate Tesla’s real business.
One of my Christmas gifts a few weeks ago was a handy dandy microwavable popcorn maker from Amish Country Popcorn. Add a little oil, add some corn, pop it just like a premade bag, add some butter and seasoning. Works as fast as a premade bag, and a hundred times easier to clean than a traditional popcorn popper…
It fits! The damn thing fits! And I thought there were no more spaces. Am I an idiot or what?
Most Republicans are so dedicated to the sanctity of marriage that they are already on their third trophy wife...
Lol you can “think” whatever you want, but there’s a reason why you’re commenting on Jalopnik and not, idk, actually a reliable source on the information? Facts don’t really care about your feewings
A National Service draft for EVERYONE
Before Marcel made it to the Oakland Zoo, though, it spent a night in the arresting officer’s home before being left in the care of Madera County Animal Services.
we currently have the selective service system, there just hasn’t been a draft since vietnam and would be incredibly unpopular for politicians to enact one today without a ww3-type situation
Crack price. Maybe $6K in that condition.
ND. Too much for a 1600. In this condition that’s Datsun 2000 money maybe.
I counted 8 binders full of women records.
This is a hijack! Give in to my demands or I’ll open all your bottles!
And Google directions is not one of those causes here. With no barricades on the road, this could have happened regardless of what directions someone is using.