
I’m not so sure which is more notable — that the plug-in is only for Apple devices, or that the webpage for K-blocker is blocked by other plug-ins in my browser

From the ex-husband’s court filing:

Bush Sr. benefited some from the Horton ads and benefited also from the successful, and likely unfair, attacks on Gary Hart,

I will know that the future has arrived when my web browser can be set to simply not load any page that contains the name of this useless waste of protoplasm. (Or any of the other “celebrities” mentioned.)

No, but you can be sure that their lawyers will go after the company that made the unlicensed jacket.

The aftermarket radio in the final picture is obviously the cause of extensive motor damage.

And a judge with a job for life is actually a good thing in general.

Why W. Kamau Bell Doesn’t Have a Driver’s License: Because he doesn’t want to vote in Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, or Wisconsin.

Ok, but two of those three are false equivalencies. The acorn (probably) represents a fertilized “egg” that has the potential to grow into an adult of its species — and you can be certain that all anti-abortionists will agree most energetically that an acorn is a tree, so that comparison fails to make your point. The

Quoting directly from the Teamsters:

It is true that the translucent roofs are used to provide lighting in the cargo area during the day, but it’s not because the company is trying to save half a watt of alternator juice. The actual reasons have to do with the fact that even a small amount of natural sunlight will do a far better job of illuminating the

all those people have to work as drivers for a while, so I suspect there is an element of “I had to deal with it and I survived”

We need to remember one thing: Kavanaugh was going to get confirmed, no matter what came out in his Senate confirmation hearing. The Republican party had the votes to confirm regardless of what any Democrat said, and they had no intention of allowing any member of their party to treat the hearing as an actual

The dealership experiences I have had buying new H-Ds have been pretty much delightful. Quick and easy, with no bullshit. But I have dealt with the same salesman over many years, and he is someone who knows his customers and knows the business. Obviously, YMMV. Its the service experience (at almost all dealerships, in

In what cars can you not disable the auto-stop/start? I can see that the manufacturer would not provide a way to turn of traction control since it’s so often inextricably linked with ABS (and may the gods forbid you could disable that example of their benevolence and wisdom), but a feature where a hard-to-start

I miss the one-touch auto-up and auto-down on all four windows (and the sunroof) I had in my last VW. I mean, I understand that the liability associated with failed pinch detection resulting in strangled children is a negative for the manufacturer, but I still miss it.

This makes sense. If you resign from a BOD today, there’s no way you can be subpoenaed to testify about stuff you did yesterday!

I have seen zero evidence to support this supposition.

Well, we could always prosecute and imprison for accessory to murder any politician who voted against the common-sense gun safety legislation supported by the majority of citizens and the vast majority of law enforcement officers, as well as all Supreme Court Justices who voted for DC v Heller and its subsequent

PLEASE tell me that the production version will have actual door handles, and not those ridiculous failure panels.