
And it’s just one more reason to add to the millions of others that preceded it to let the Red South secede and be done with them.

Can’t tell if clickbait or just stupid. (Or copied in from a magical land with different laws of physics.)

  1. Given that correlation does not imply causation, you may need to supply some supporting evidence for your assertion that the loss of both houses was a direct result of the gun ban, and not to usual Midterm Loss, as it is almost a law of physics that a sitting President’s party loses many seats in both houses every

Well, it’s a good thing that a breathalyzer interlock device would never malfunction and prevent a sober driver from starting their car -- whether or not they just took a shot of DayQuil.

Yeah, that’s not how “nevertheless” is used.

Safer to replace the seats outright.

Referring to everyone as “you guys”: I would recommend doing what I do, which is to simply use a well-accepted genderless form of a second-person plural objective pronoun: You all or y’all. I may have lived my entire life in the Midwest, but that does not stop anyone from understanding my meaning when I say “y’all.” I

Harley has tried to introduce changes many times before, only to have the market vote against those changes. When your existing customers despise change and customers in the markets you’re trying to woo with new products are biased against the brand, you’ll keep doing what H-D does: introduce new products that don’t

The pics in the article are all H-D promo shots, so I’m guessing Bradley didn’t pose for them.

So the Court intended to keep this decision secret until the LAST DAY of this session sometime in June. The only reason I can conceive of is to prevent the ruling from impacting the midterm elections.

Oh wow you ran over a thing once and that means that people actually putting themselves at risk to disrupt these bigots are equally bad?

When will progressives stop opening themselves — and by association, all other progressives and their causes and arguments — to well-deserved ridicule and minimalism by using the has-always-been-fucking-stupid word “canceled”?

And at a .15 cent margin, how long would it take him to make that up?

I will say that these things have grown on me. When they were new, I hated their looks with a fiery passion. Would’ve rather owned a Pacer. But looking at these pics now, it only looks ugly; not fugly.

I mean, other than the Barber Museum, where else can you see this many incredible bikes crammed into 34,500 square feet?

I just don’t know how any reasonable person could look at this situation where he’s slamming and breaking things while abusing drugs and alcohol and believe that there wasn’t abusive physical contact at some point, accidental or intentional.

So they lightened the shit out of it to achieve this performance. Might that imply that some of the components that were excised as part of theserious weight loss program” were structural and safety components which would be absolutely required in a production vehicle?

So you’re arguing against your own post, then? Seems legit; no backtracking or goalpost-moving going on here.

Are you asking what car(s) get better and better the fewer of them there are? Like a Yugo or a Mustang II?

Unless somebody has recently changed the definition of “forced,” this is completely and blatantly false.