
The Malay community of Singapore and Malaysia. I think the history of the practice can be traced back to Indonesia.

Jessica Alba may be on to something. In my community, women undergo a 40-day confinement period where they use a tight tummy wrap called bengkung to lose the post-natal bloat. They also smear herbal paste on the tummy before tying the wrap.

This reminds me of a girl I met at camp. Her introduction to the group was "Hi, I'm Alicia. I am a girl but I have a deep voice."

Isn't that what an APB should include - details of who/what you are looking for? I don't know how the officers are only getting "truck" from "2005 blue or grey Nissan Titan".

Aww, such joy!

You had me at dugong.

Hey Greasy Reese, Kevin Smith called!

Shit, on a closer look, it looks like the "hijab" is a hoodie (part of her dress) and she has a black shawl wrapped around her neck. Sorry if I sounded like a judgemental asshat.

Janet, don't commit yourself to donning the headscarf if you're gonna roll up your sleeves and wearing a dress with a slit!

Fancy Pants!

As a non-American reader, my heart goes out to all involved in the bomb blast and the American public. The only affiliation I have with Boston was watching Boston Public as a kid, but nonetheless, it is difficult to see the photos of the victims.

Eddi Aguirre did it wrong. I'm not that pretty, don't have braces-perfect teeth and don't wear makeup daily but I don't think I look that bad without my warpaint. I concur with others saying that sans-makeup Barbie looks like she's a junkie at the corner street.

OMG, #2 brings back strange memories! I got that book and another one in the series at a sale in my local Toys "R" Us and remember having a girl crush on the girl with the skateboard! I think her name was Randy.

Rachel got cancelled? That's BANANAS!

I am sorry that happened to you because that is horrible. It is one thing to have a grown-ass woman catcalled, it is another to have a child sexualized in that manner.

With Tracie's egg ice cubes!

I've never been catcalled in my life until yesterday. I was by the side of a road waiting for a cab and two guys on bikes went "Hey girl, where you going?" and laughed. I flipped the bird.

It looks like Laura Beck is drinking in Prof Sir Edwards' honour!