
Any tips on what to do if it dies on highway and I’m stuck in a lane? I know to turn on the hazard lights, but I don’t have a plan for after that.

For what it’s worth, I was robbed in Florence and my iphone was not taken. I’ve always assumed it was because it could be tracked. I don’t speak Italian so I don’t know for sure, though.

I think they’re everywhere in the US east of about Utah.

Pretty sure it’s Trebek.


There are some good DK books, like ones about Greek myths, Egyptian pharaohs, and basic astronomy.

I think that’s the only way I’ve ever seen it used, but I must be missing some nautical nuances. Could you elaborate?

Any chance you’ll post transcripts? I don’t do the pcast thing, but I’d definitely read them.

“Individual coaches cannot be HUF certified,” you say.

CA people generally don’t like/care about baseball. I grew up in LA county, and I didn’t know that baseball leagues for kids are still a thing, until I moved to the Midwest in my 20s. Most everyone I knew played soccer year round and then, in addition, either Water Polo or Basketball. There were some olds who were

Yeah, people go on and on about MSG, but I’ve never been sure why. Weren’t the Knicks only good from about 71-73? So what mystique is MSG supposed to have?

I love watching fuck pool

That’s awesome

Shin Megami Tensei would be dope

I’m a Lakers fan, and you are correct.

hands down, man down?

I never watch the dunk contest so can’t agree/disagree with your specific cases. I definitely agree with your general definition though.

Tell me more about dunk truth. I’m intrigued

same here

What rpg is your number one? I also love W3 and am looking for more like it.