Chilly Sharp

Hmmmmm, not sure I read the word ‘choice’in the article or comments. Children and mothers born from failed birth control, incest rape or any force such as a cult are excluded from my comments. Babies are born because the parent(s) chose to have a child. Why isn’t this already being discussed? A conflict between the

What the hell? Where’s the decent reporting that should tell us the pertinent facts, like location? Name of the facility? That’s information I could use to not shop that particular store, contact local media, etc., but somewhere.......some place this may have happened. Hmmmm....wonder if anything actually happened?

He looks like a rabbit in some ofhis expressions.

After giving you ample time to rest your over-extended, exhausted brain, I see the futility of hope with you.

The best salespeople are introverts.

Surely, you jest.

You must not acknowledge Beethoven’s genius.

Cracking that whip a bit quickly, aren’t you, Sheesh? Flinging labels like confetti certainly advances understanding like never. Corn rows are the property of African Americans? So pageboys must be owned by caucasians? Snarls among teenage girls demand that we accelerate the fires of discord? For Pete’s sake, just

In the glorious Carribean island, I stepped on what was presumed by everybody in the hemisphere to be a sea urchin. I am writhing and don’ t care if a comet lands smack dab on me. In fact, I am praying that landing lights have sprung up on my body. My family, my parents and sister w/her husband are helplessly milling

Names aren’t being given to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent. Hmmmm...... why? I read reviews to garner information about an establishment, and take into account the establishment and the reviewer(s) to help me make decisions, not play “guess who” games. Such shielding seems to embolden the creep factor/have

Angelo Buono (one of the hillside stranglers) forced his girlfriend to have anal sex so often and he was very rough, she had to wear tampons.

OMG. Respect. Dignity. Loyalty Love. Is this not allowed ?

PTSD absolutely can afflict someone due to something witnessed or prolonged exposure to stressors. A person has to exhibit symptoms for a minimum of three months. Before the term is bantered about, a clinical diagnosis is a good idea.

Pardon? I must've missed the memo that animals have voices and are easily understood as are women.

What other claims does this shell of a human make? Does he claim any religious affiliation? Does he even do his own grocery shopping? This Dickensian character should be voted out of office and never re-elected. May God help him to learn mercy.

The Daily Beast has been properly lashed for its egregious error. Now, When will Jezebel receive its punishment? Isn't it guilty of the same offense?

Please provide the contact info. for this hollow person. We can stew in our own juices (and the juices of others), thereby reducing the righteous adrenaline in our veins. But to what avail? This person may not care what non- AZ people think of her idiocy but she will know folks who haven't bought the insanity

This story happened months ago. I would've thought the legal situation had been resolved.

Think Darwin. A male's orgasm is "Yippee-o-ki-ay" for that encounter but a woman may be making a nine-month-commitment. Think hunter & gatherer days. It's only been the last 50 years or so that women have had the option of reversible and reliable birth control. Evolution hasn't had time to catch up w/chemistry.

Wait a minute. No way am I responsible for another's level of honesty. That's like saying stores are responsible for candy cars being stolen because they're not under lock and key.